Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Binding and rain

I had a hard time getting to sleep last night. There were no mosquitoes in the room, but my mind kept wandering to anxious subjects. I guided it to more pleasant topics and eventually fell asleep. I awoke during the night, or at least I thought it was still dark. But when I got up, there were rays of daylight coming through the window. I went back to bed. Chris got up to go running but it was raining. So he got on his laptop. I found him there when I got up again at 9.
I drank some coconut water and a container of POM. I checked my e-mail, getting it down to 64. Then I typed up a short list of people for Kelsey the FRG secretary to write thank-you notes to. I also submitted my Craftsy class order. Chris went to the office.
I called Myra to see if she wanted to walk with me to the market after breakfast. She did. So I made and ate breakfast, reading e-mail. Then I got dressed and took with me her plastic containers (from frozen lemonade) and a tomato. On the way over, I passed my plates of lettuce. I was surprised to see it blooming like a wild flower. I had to wonder if it really was lettuce I had been eating.
When I got to Myra's house, she had a flag hanging on the door. It seemed very in keeping with the holiday.
She showed me her hexagon stack-n-whack quilt top in progress. Then we went outside and she showed me her garden, which was doing well in the recent rain.
We walked to the market. I bought 7 packages of seam binding in different colors. It looked to be about 3/8 inch wide, and was probably 1 cm. I wanted 1/4 inch, but it would have to do. We checked at Daiso, but they didn't have any. We bought other stuff there.
I made sure I had enough money left to buy almonds. But the first place that had them, wanted 10,000 won for the package. I was expecting to pay 5,000 won so I did not have enough. I went to another place with nuts, but she did not have almonds. We checked a few other places on the way back, but no one had them.
When we got to her house, I left and went to mine. I found Chris at his laptop. I watched a sewing video until he left, then put on the other video. I don't know where he went, but he was back in 10 minutes. I finished watching the video, which took an hour or so.
I posted the little apron as the next sewing project to Facebook page.
I ate supper outside, sitting on the porch, smelling the rain. I noticed that the big planter was full of water and the plants were wilting. I got a bowl to dip out as much water as I could, but it was not enough, so I asked Chris to tip it, and he did. But later there was another downpour.
I made up a new batch of supplements. Then I went online to order more. Chris made himself supper and then ran the dishwasher. I watched another sewing video. Then I made another bottle apron, (much easier with the purchased bias binding).
After writing a check to go in the mail tomorrow, I was ready. We watched three episodes of The 100. The gore and violence just gets worse. Closing my eyes won't make it go away. And it seems so unnecessary.
And now it is time to blog and go to bed.
* Can you see the big purple blossoms on the lettuce? *

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