Saturday, July 8, 2017

Sweating at the five-day market

I stayed up late again doing Sudoku before going to bed. I turned on the ceiling fan in the bedroom and lowered the thermostat to 24. In the cool room, I slept fairly well. But apparently Chris did not. He was gone when I woke up. He had been in the guest room trying not to wake me up and then he got on his laptop.
I had thrown a packet of raspberry tea in a pitcher of water. I poured out a quart and squeezed some lemon in it and drank it. I ate some seed crackers with hummus and raw garlic. I checked e-mail and listened to an audio.
Chris went to work to clean out his office. I tried to print out a spread sheet of stuff we shipped when we moved here. But I had to send it to the old laptop to be able to work with it. I deleted things I did not care about, then sent it to the desktop so I could print it. I also sat down and typed a thankyou note to Myra. I was going to write it in a card, but it got long and wouldn't fit so I just printed it out and put the paper in the card. I made and ate breakfast.
I called Myra several times and messaged her on Facebook. She answered about 1pm. I asked if she wanted to go to the 5-day market, and she did. So I threw the laundry in the dryer and started another load. 10 minutes later I met her by her house. I gave her the card and the leftover facepaints. Then we headed out.
I needed to walk, so we decided to walk to the market and take the bus back. We thought we would take a back route but that did not work well. We ended up walking nearly the same route as the time we walked to the party store. I guess all the blind alleys force foot traffic in that direction.
Anyway, we got there. She said she didn't need anything, but she bought plums and peppers and cucumbers and such. I got almonds and cacao nibs, but did not find the footies I was looking for. I also got some dried fruit and pineapple.
We walked to the bus station, dripping with sweat from the muggy heat. We had to wait for the bus and I ate some of the pineapple chunks. Then we board the bus and it dropped us off by the main gate. We walked uphill to her place, and I continued on to mine.
Chris was back and folding laundry. I ate some chicken and kimchi and dried fruit. Then I did some Sudoku. When I put that down, I decided to watch the remainder of the episode of Travelers that I had started days ago. When Chris caught wind of it, he said he would watch it with me if I started it over again. But he was still eating supper. So I watched a couple of shorter videos until he was ready.
Then we watched 4 episodes. I was happy about the lack of bad words and gore. But the story for some reason was not as compelling as The 100.
Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog, as usual.
* A pic from the market - a selection of fungi and flowers. Perhaps a medicinal plant stand? *

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