Friday, July 21, 2017

Cleaning with Myra

We stayed in bed after waking up. There was an occasional crackling noise from the closet. Finally I got up to check it out. It was a large roach walking on a plastic bag. Chris got up to kill the roach (hadn't seen one of them in a very long time). So we were up before 8. I was having night sweats because I forgot to turn the temp down last night. I have been forgetting a lot of things I normally do.
I took a shower and cleaned the shower stall. I pawed through my suitcase for clothes, and my tooth brush. I brushed my teeth, and swished with magnesium oil. I mixed up breakfast, and ate it at my laptop.
At 9, I skyped with my tapping buddy while Chris took a shower, did some cleaning, and went to clean out his office. I finished up tapping for missing my friends here, and overwhelm for cleaning and other details.
Then I started cleaning the small bathroom.
Chris called and asked me to meet him at the phone store. I ran into Myra on the way. She said she would come over later to help me clean. When I got to the phone store, Chris was not there. I went to the post office to find him. We checked the mail. I talked to Kathy outside post office. We discussed canceling our phones with the lady at the phone store. She said we could get sim cards in the US to use in our Korean phones. Then we walked home.
Myra came over with a mop and bucket and some cleaner Mr. Clean. We started on the fridge, removing all the food and pulling out the shelves. She said we could leave whatever was leftover and she would get it on Monday. She offered to take the loaner kit back as well. We did the kitchen and she mopped the floors while I wiped out the cabinets. She said the house was clean enough and invited me to go with her to the Missula kids play.
After she left, I scrubbed the corners of the back bathroom with a toothbrush. Then I got cleaned up and changed my clothes. I ate some chicken and kimchi. I put Dynee's broom, vacuum and dust brush on her front porch. Then I took a bag of recyclables and some cardboard down to Myra's recycling area. She met me there and we went to the theater to see the children's play.
Missula Children's Theatre sends two people and everything they need to put on a play. They work with the kids and some adult volunteers for 5 days and hold the play Friday afternoon. He plays the lead male part (rather like a narrator) and she playsd the lead female part with singing. Then they pack up and go to a new place and do it all over again. They arrived in Chinhae on Sunday, had auditions on Monday morning, practiced all week, and then preformed an hour long play at 3 on Friday. It was the story of Rapunzel, written to have a moral to the story, plus lots of parts that kids could learn quickly.
Myra and I attended the play while Chris stayed home for the inspection. She and I helped fold backdrops, and then I came home. I passed the pool and it looked inviting. I ran into Irene passing our place, and I talked to her for a bit. I went inside and asked Chris how the inspection went. He said they just glanced through the rooms and had him sign some papers. No remarks of any kind on how clean it was (or wasn't). I guess I was relieved. I cried for a bit.
I called Myra to go to the pool, but she had other plans. I called Dynee, but she hung up or something. Chris agreed to go with me. So I changed into my suit and we walked to the gym and signed in.
He slept in a lounge chair while I did laps in the pool. There was a handful of other people there, too. A little after 5:30 I was tired and got out. Everyone did, and the lifeguards started cleaning up. I dried off and turned in the towels.
We walked home. I drank some water, and ate plums. I also had a can of beets. There were two smaller cans in the cupboard; bamboo shoots and water chestnuts. But they were out of date and tasted funny. To top it off, I ate some seed crackers with organic butter.
It wasn't time to watch TV yet, so I watered the plants and sat through two of Oprah's new meditation series. Then we watched three episodes of Father Brown. I got so sleepy that I went to bed, thinking to get up later and post to my blog. But instead, I tossed and turned and eventually just slept through the night.

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