Thursday, July 20, 2017

Packing over, start cleaning

I went back to packing after writing to my blog last night. I worked well past midnight. I checked my list from our last move and saw lots of things on it that I hadn't packed yet. I moved some of them to the guest room. But others I needed to ask Chris about. I don't know when I finally gave up and went to bed.
I woke up past 7am. Chris had been up for awhile. He was packing up computer peripherals. I asked him about the things on the lists, but he was in a hurry. He took his shower and then answered a few questions. His phone rang and he had to run down to the front gate to sign the moving men onto post. I kept packing, finding things to bag up or move to the guest room or to the closet where we have 4 big suitcases we can fill with stuff to ride back with us on the plane.
Then Chris called to say he needed me to come to the front gate to sign in 2 of the men. So I got dressed and literally ran down to the front gate. I was surprised I could do it. Chris had me sign in the two men who were doing the express shipment. I rode up to the house with them and let them in. they only had one crate and I knew it wasn't enough. When we showed the inspector the guest room, it wasn't nearly as full as now.
Anyway, they started packing and Chris and John showed up with 6 more men. (Each of us can only sponsor up to three people.) As the men packed, I went around taking pics, bagging things, moving last minute items to the guest room, dusting newly accessible surfaces, putting things where the men would be sure to pack them. It was exhausting.
Maria texted me asking if I had a gallon jug. I had one and she wanted to pick it up at noon. Well, it wasn't quite empty yet and I had dumped the water pitcher into it so the pitcher could be packed. I drank a bunch of it, using a recycled container as a cup.
A little before noon, Chris left to get pizza for lunch. The express shipment people stayed even though they were finished. I had just mentioned to the supervisor that there were items in the shed to be packed, when Chris arrived with the pizza. They were very happy to take a break and eat pizza. One of them gave me the kimbap he had brought for his lunch. I put out my kimchi in case someone wanted some. But I don't think anyone did. Still, I enjoyed it with the kimbap.
Maria came over for the pitcher and I poured the rest into another container. She and I talked about packing for while since her packout is next week. Then she left.
The men went back to packing after lunch. I went with the first two men back to the front gate. I signed them out. Chris came down in John's car and picked me up and took me back to the house. John had stayed with the men. I went back inside. I sat for a bit, watching them pack. Then I went around looking for things that didn't get packed. The dresser and chest of drawers in the master bedroom were marked “Do not pack” which meant the furniture. But I discovered that the drawers were still full of clothes. So the supervisor sent someone to pack it. Then they put all the boxes out in front of Dynee's house (because it was closer to the street). They filled the crates on the truck. Two of my shelving units were used 'as is' to store stuff in the crates. The supervisor asked us to look around one more time. We didn't find anything, so he had Chris sign a bunch of paperwork and then Chris and John went to the front gate to sign the men out. It was about 2:30, so if I had scheduled my usual massage, I would have been able to make it.
But instead, I ate the last of the kimbap. Then I texted Dynee asking for a broom and vacuum. Chris came back from the gate. We had a package to mail ahead. We sealed it up and addressed it. Dynee responded, so I went next door to pick up the items. She offered to take the big boxes of paper from our shed and put them in recycling next week. But when we went to our shed to get the boxes, they were gone! I don't know if they got packed, or the movers took them to re-use them.
Then Chris and I went to the post office. While he went to check on a loaner kit, I went to the front desk to fill out the customs form. The lady was concerned about the glass bottle of olive oil. So I opened the box and she wrapped the bottle in bubblewrap and I put it back. She taped it securely. Chris arrived just in time to pay the shipping. Then we followed Ms. Kim to her car. She drove us to the loan locker and we got a big tub of loaner kitchen stuff. She drove back to our house to drop it off. She was driving a Kia, which is what Chris wants to buy me when we get back to the states.
Chris sat at his laptop while I started cleaning. I wiped the sills and baseboards and furniture in the sewing room and he helped move the furniture so I could vacuum. Then we put the bed back in. While we were putting the bed frame together, Carolyn stopped by. I had a baby quilt for her, but remembered in shock that it must have gotten packed. :o So we chatted for a few minutes and she left. Chris had the bed done by then, so I moved to the guest room. I wiped and dusted and vacuumed, then shut the door.
I did the same thing in the bonus room. I had to sweep a little longer to get up all the threads. In all the rooms, I noticed plenty of dead centipedes behind the furniture. Then I started cleaning the dining room and wiping the furniture. Chris said he had to go to work but would be back by 6:30 to go out to eat with Myra and Scott. So I kept dusting, wiping and sweeping. Finally Myra called to say they were on their way over. I told her Chris was not yet back from work. While I waited, I sweeping the living room. I got the water key from out back to water the flowers, but then I saw their car. They had picked Chris up on their way here. He was telling them about an interview request he got this morning. They were very excited because it would put him in Norfolk if he got the job.
Myra drove us to the chicken and beer restaurant. She and I split an order of roasted chicken pieces and each got a salad. Chris got an order of glazed chicken and Scott's were deep fried. We had a good conversation. Then we went back to post and they dropped us off at home.
We were both tired, so we watched one episode of Father Brown. Chris went to bed. I could not find my nightgown and went into tears. Nothing was where I remembered it. Chris gave me a t-shirt to wear. I took my evening supplements and sat down to write my blog. I could not find the cord that downloads pics from my phone, so I e-mailed several from the phone to the laptop.
And then it was 11pm and way past time to go to bed.

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