Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The final mow

It took a while to get to sleep. I think I slept pretty well, but I woke up early. So did Chris. I think he didn't want to wake me so he got up. I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't, so I got up. It was about 6. I was chewing on my tongue which I have decided is a sign of dehydration. So I drank a quart of water and read e-mail. Chris left to take car to Daegu to ship it to the states.
I listened to a talk on walkabout paraliminals while reading about swishing with magnesium oil. It was reportedly very good for the teeth and gums, but I had to imagine the taste was a major impediment. I got dressed, and started packing. The shoes I had bleached to get clean, were out on the back porch to dry. But since it had rained last night, they were still damp. So I put them in front of the dehumidifier in the laundry room and closed the doors, hoping it will pull all the moisture out.
I started making breakfasts for the rest of the week in case we have no bowls. A man knocked on the door with loaner bedding. He said to leave it on the bed when we vacated the premises.
I packed some food in the kitchen, deciding what to put in the suitcase, what to put in the express shipment and what to use up or leave behind. I got distracted and packed some jewelry. I clean out the 5 gallon tub of coconut oil. It was too nice a container to leave behind, even though the leftover coconut oil fit in two much smaller containers. I ate my breakfast and read-e-mail.
Dynee came over after lunch. She helped me organize. We took down the swags and folded them. We also did the shower curtain and rod. We packed some things in the cutting room. She collected a lot of empty boxes and bags and readied them for recycling tomorrow. She kept telling me the packers would be shaking their heads over how we were not at all ready to be packed up.
Chris came home about 2:45. Dynee went home, saying to just relax and let the packers pack what was left. ??? I helped her carry the plants on the porch to her house to replace some that had died.
A little after 3, Myra came by with the tub, just as the packing inspector showed up. I handed her her umbrella. I asked if she wanted my extra dirt and she said she would get it tomorrow.
Chris moved the coffee table so I could vacuum the rug really well. I swept the back, too. Then we rolled it up and taped it snugly.
I went out back to put all the little plastic plant pots in a yellow garbage bag since no one wants them and recycling won't take them. I guess everyone has their own collection. The bag ripped and I had to tape it up.
I put on solid shoes and mowed the lawn one last time, here and next door. I put on the trimmer head and went around the edges of the yard. Then I brushed dirt from the mower and left it upended to dry out underneath.
Chris had chicken legs in the oven. I ate two, plus rice, a large cucumber and a very big carrot. I read e-mail as I ate the carrot.
I went outside to water the plants that were left. I stomped on the milk jugs I use to hold the water and put them in recycling. I used baking soda and vinegar on the stains on the front porch, scrubbing vigorously. But the stains remained. I read about a good shower cleaner made from white vinegar and Dawn dish soap. I used the Ajax we had. I sprayed the shower, then sprayed the front porch for extra measure, and the back porch. I don't know if it cleaned, but it kept the mosquitoes away. I brushed more dirt from the lawn mower and put it in the shed. I packed more food in the kitchen, freeing up some jars for recycling.
We watched three episodes of Father Brown. Chris kept falling asleep during the last one. He went to bed and I stayed up to turn my blog notes into full sentences.
Hopefully everything I record now will help me with some future move.
* Here is a pic of my very helpful friend, Dynee (from the party last night) *

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