Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The ladies party

I listened to The Dive from Centerpointe before taking my evening supplements and going to bed. I realized that I had far fewer hot flashes since taking the hops extract twice a day.
I woke up really early, maybe it was because Chris was tossing and turning. He got up, but I stayed in bed until my alarm went off at 7:30. I got dressed and brought the recyclables out of the laundry room. Chris took them to the curb. I got some more from the dining room and he threw in some boxes as well. He went to work and I found more caches of plastic bags to add to the pile. I scrubbed the front porch and it still was not clean. I saw Terri out walking her dogs and she stopped to talk. I took a pic of my recycling pile to show a certain someone that it is possible to throw out most of your boxes and the world doesn't come to an end.
I ate some seed crackers with hummus and raw garlic. I meditated with Oprah and Deepak. I made breakfast and ate it while listening to an interview from the Fasting summit. I realized I had to 'rescue' my containers from the fridge if I wanted them to get packed tomorrow.
Dynee came by for ice at 10:30. Then she and Myra drove off. Chris came back from work (or wherever he went). He wanted to know why I wasn't at Housing and I told him it started at noon. I kept packing in my sewing room until 11:40. Then I took a shower and dressed up a little. I went to Housing where a few ladies were gathered. Chantal had her empty lip balm with her. So I came home to refill it. Terri came with me. I hung out with the ladies. Most of them brought gluten free dishes. Terri made pasta salad with gluten-free brown rice noodles. Ms. Chong brought lots of kimbap. I searched the fabric baskets for my missing fabric, but it wasn't there. I did pick up my magnetic pin bowl and tomato. I watched Myra demonstrate stack-n-whack. Alycin gave me two paintings she did; one water color and one oil pencil. Ms. Chong wrapped up some kimbap for me to take home. Mary and Bob drove me home to pick up the backyard plants. They also took the shelving unit. Yay!
I asked Chris to return the rake to Housing, along with all the little food waste tickets that we didn't use. The house was a little smokey because the oven was in self-clean mode.
Myra came with a big tub and we dumped all the dirt from the buckets and large bowls. She and I carried it to her car. She drove us to her parking lot. We took it out of the car and slid it down the hill, then carried it to a cement platform where it will sit waiting for her to plant herbs or something. She took me home because I had no shoes on.
I washed the buckets and bowls and set them out to dry. I cleaned lint from the nozzle where the dryer vents. I put the remaining pots in the garbage and threw out the rocks. I noticed a man spraying around the doors and windows for centipedes.
I watered the plants with the last plastic gallon jug. Then I put the watering can out back to dry. I also watered the flower beds with the hose. I think the four o'clocks will do well.
I worked in the kitchen, separating food that we take from food that gets left behind. Terri said she would come back for it, but she didn't. Of the food we pack, it was separated into going on the plane, vs getting mailed, vs packing in the express shipment. Supplements got separated, too. I filled a mailing box with supplements. Chris put an unopened bottle of olive oil in as well. He washed the loaner sheets and all the throw rugs. Chris took everything out of the freezer, including the bags of ice. I emptied them into the sink so I could use the ziplock bags. But the ginger ice went into my glass and I drank it later.
We traded out some glass containers in the fridge for throw-away ones. Then Chris ran the dishwasher. I went through the front closet to get any vacuum cleaner parts out so they would all be in one place. Chris emptied the vacuum cleaner bags so the vacuums could be shipped.
I took a break to eat some kimchi and kimbap. The kimbap wasn't that good because Chris had put it in the fridge already.
I packed my suitcase with enough clothing for a week for hot or not-so-hot weather, in Huntsville or at the beach (if we go to Beach Week). I threw in some other things as well. Then I went through the dresser in the guest room and put all the cold weather clothing in Household Goods shipment. I took some clothing from the master bedroom and moved it into the guest room for the express shipment. It was a long process.
We took a break to watch one episode of Father Brown. I was so tired. Then we took down the shears and folded them up. After that, I went back to sorting and packing. Chris went to bed so I tried to be quiet. I knew the packers were coming at 8 for the express shipment and I wanted to have in it everything we want sooner rather than later.
I am not certain at this point that I have recorded everything that we did today. But I am certain the order is slightly off. My camera is in the bedroom closet and I don't want to wake Chris so no pictures tonight. I am posting to my blog and going back to packing.

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