Thursday, July 13, 2017

Last massage

I had trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep. So when the alarm went off at 7:30, I got up.
I got dressed and went next door for two pitchers of Berkey water. I drank a quart of lemon water while looking at e-mail. Then I finished binding the QOV while listening to audios from the headache and migraine summit.
I had a piece of fabric that was ironed to two pieces of freezer paper. I had printed small quilt labels on it before. But it was in rough shape. So I ironed another piece of freezer paper to the bottom of it. I ran it through the printer to get an image of a quilt of valor label. It printed very nicely, but there were ink smudges near the printing. So frustrating. I tried to get the spots off with rubbing alcohol and then bleach, but neither one worked. I looked up ink removal online and someone recommended hand sanitizer. But that did not get the smudges off either. So I left it to dry.
I searched high and low for a particular fabric that I wanted to use for a QOV pillowcase. Chris asked me what I was looking for and I told him a piece of fabric was missing. There was a moment of silence and then he said “How can you tell?” Unable to find it, I had to choose another fabric. I made a pillowcase with red and blue fabrics. Then I gathered up a bag of old clothes that I was keeping for scraps. I threw some of it out.
I put my bag of chocolates in the freezer. I made and ate breakfast. The label was dry so I turned the edges under as far as I could so the smudges wouldn't be so noticeable. I ironed the edges to hold them down. Then I looked for label placement instructions on the QOV site but did not find any. I got out two little decorative boxes. I put a piece of cotton ball in each one. I took the two best pieces of chocolate and wrapped each one in plastic wrap. Then I covered them with another layer of cotton ball to keep them cold. I tied each box with a piece of the gold string that came with the package of boxes.
I filled a small container with Epsom salts. I put all the stuff in my market bag and went to my massage. The regular lady was not there. It was a different one who got the foot soak ready for me. I gave her the boxes to put in her fridge so they would not melt. She had to wake the man up three times before he came out to rub my feet. It was a good massage and I tried not to think about it being my last. When it was over, I took a pic of him and me together. I tried to explain that I was not coming back. He used his phone translation app and I used mine. Then the lady tried hers as well. He wanted to be my Facebook friend but his phone wouldn't do what he wanted. The lady tried to help, and then another lady came who spoke some English. I tried to explain that if he wrote his Facebook name for me that I would accept his friend request. But there was still some problem apparently. Then the first lady showed me her Facebook icon so I could accept her request when I got back to my laptop.
I finally went to market. I called Myra with a few questions. Then I made a deal on footies, although not as good a deal as I wanted. I went to the fabric booth and stocked up on 10 colors of seam binding. I found some oi, which is is their word for cucumber. I bought some in two places. But I could not find good lettuce. Either all the good lettuce was at the 5 day market, or the season was over. I stopped by two more markets on the way home and still no luck.
Then I stopped at Myra's house on the way up the hill. She handed me some nail polish remover so I could try it on the tape stuck to the wall. We talked for a little while. We said hello to Hakim as he was coming home from work.
Then I went home. I ate some watermelon, and laid down, hot and tired. Later I went out to water the plants. I came in to have some pork and rice and kimchi for supper; I jotted notes for my blog later. Chris washed three plums for each of us. We watched three episodes of The 100. Then he went to bed and I stayed up to take my evening supplements and post to my blog.

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