Sunday, October 29, 2017

500th anniversary of the Reformation

We got up before 8. I drank lemon water and started a long tapping video. I paused it at 8:30 to get ready for church. I wanted to be out by nine, and we were close. We took the parkway and got there in 18 minutes.
Chris dropped me off at the door so I could start practicing with the quartet, but one lady wasn't there yet so the choir as a whole practiced their pieces. Then the quartet practiced in a back room.
It was a nice and long service. Most people were wearing red. We sang lots of verses of A Mighty Fortress during and after the service. There were three music pieces at the anthem spot. And we sang at the end, a piece written and composed by Martin Luther. Apparently writing easily sung music was not one of his 95 theses.
Then we went to lunch in the fellowship hall. Jennifer sat by me and we talked about her new diet. She asked about what was on my plate, figuring I knew what to avoid.
After lunch, Chris and I went to the budget meeting. It was poorly attended. We learned that the church is operating at a large deficit. So they will take from the capital fund this year but it will wipe out the fund. So what can be done for next year? Ed said the projection for our location is that at some point 1 in 3 people living nearby will be over 65.
We went to Publix for groceries and then went home. We put the food away. I ate a pomegranate and finished the tapping audio. I read e-mail until 3:30. Then I took the banana oatmeal cookies and a paper plate to church.
The lot was almost full. I dropped the cookies off at the kitchen. The sanctuary was pretty full as well. Jennifer and Kurt were handing out bulletins. Kurt said we needed to get more people coming through our doors. I hoped some of the people who came for the organ concert would come back for Sunday service and eventually become members.
I talked to Cecelia, who I would have given a CD to if I had known she was coming. She said her husband was doing better. Then I sat in my usual seat.
At 4pm the pastor welcomed the community and thanked the organists who were about to play. Then the four organists played for about 15 minutes each. The music was so nice, and the organ so high-tech. I closed my eyes and just sank into it. At the end, everyone stood and sang a verse of A Mighty Fortress. It was so good to hear a churchful of people singing that it brought a tear to my eye.
Afterward, we all went to the fellowship hall for treats. Someone brought fresh fruit and veggies so I had some of that and one of my cookies. I talked to Donna and Cecelia, then went home. It was quite cold.
I read e-mail for awhile and then started watching some quilting videos. I heated a bowl of the remainder of the fish soup. Then I made a salad and added raw garlic.
I watched a few more quilting videos. I typed up the events of the day. I made a mug of bone broth and ginger tea. Then we watched an episode of Miss Marple. I nearly fell asleep trying to figure it all out. Chris went to bed and I woke myself up to blog.
* I didn't take any pics today so here is one from the quilt show *

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