Thursday, October 12, 2017

Almost finished the list

I got up about 8:15.
I thought the flies were gone but as it turned out, they were just not awake yet. I adjusted the curtain we put up yesterday to cover the trace amount of light coming in above and on both sides.
I took a look at the list of tasks I made yesterday ad checked off as many as I could: I added some trace mineral drops to my cocoa toothpaste. I used a pitchfork to move the piles of dead grass to fill in a low point in the back yard. I felt like Farmer Fern.
I boiled some water to pour over a small batch of nuts (to eat tomorrow). Then I refilled some small containers of mixed root powders. I made breakfast and used some of the goat milk kefir.
I had just finished breakfast when my tapping buddy called at 11:20. We tapped for an hour and a half and we both felt better.
I washed my feet and put flats on. I called Cecelia to see if she wanted me to visit tomorrow, but her husband was in the hospital and would go to a nursing home after that.
At 1:40 I went to my massage. While waiting for her, I looked around the shop for the hot flash spray that Jennifer told me about. There was only one and it wasn't a mixture of peppermint and lavender oil in water. When the sales lady offered help, I told her and she said that one was discontinued. But she told me how to make my own with witch hazel and peppermint oil in a spray bottle.
Then Gabriele came in the door. We went in her little room and discussed what I needed massaged today. I told her about the little pain in my back. She left and I undressed and got under the sheet. When she came back, she pressed up and down my spine. Her guess was a subluxation. She concentrated most of her efforts on my legs and feet. When it was over, I got dressed and met her in her office. I paid her and we set a time for next week.
On the way home, I stopped at the post office to check our mail and came away with two packages. I got home just after Chris did. He had a package for me from the house mail. It was a mixer part that Myra mailed because Jotham gave it to her to give to me.
I texted her and Kelly thank you notes. I checked e-mail and mowed the remainder of the backyard. I watched a video on an exercise for dumping nitric oxide. Then I listened to an interview on strategies for people who are electrically sensitive.
I made and ate a salad. Then I unpacked some boxes in the garage, hoping to find the Command hooks from our living room in Korea, but no such luck. I found a hammer and nails for hanging pictures. I found printer paper. I also found clothes that really ought to be hanging up. So I hung them up.
I made hummus in the Nutribullet. It went fairly well except for the smell of something burning at the end. But the mixture did not seem too thick for the blades. So I don't know what was going on.
I made a mug of hot bone broth and we sat down to watch two episodes of Life On Mars. Then Chris looked up a character that looked familiar and went to bed. I stayed up to blog, but it didn't take long because I had sketched it out before watching TV.
* Here is another pic from Little River Canyon. *

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