Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The Avengers

I woke up before Chris left for work. When he was gone, I put on my headphones and played some brain wave entrainment. I got up at 7:48. I drank a lot of lemon water and checked e-mail. I listened to a presentation from the Broken Brain summit as I cut orange squares for sewing away from home.
At 10 I went to sewing. I cut all the blocks I had brought in half and in half again, but at an angle. When all the squares were cut, I crocheted fleece strips. Everyone packed up and left except Beverly. So I packed up and my phone rang. It was my brother. We talked for awhile. After the call, Beverly and I talked. Then we went to the Asian market for kimbap. I also got bananas. They did not have everything I wanted so we went across the street to the Walmart Neighborhood store. I found goat milk, organic soup and organic vinegar, but no fat tipped markers.
She took me back to the church and I got in my car and went for gas. It was pretty low and I was able to get 9 gallons in.
Then I drove home. I put away the organic milk. I ate the kimbap with the last of the kimchi, having just bought a new container. And I ate a banana while listening to one interview from Matrix Reimprinting summit. During the second interview, I worked on the pumpkin: I cut black strips, which were then cut into blocks, which were then cut into quadrilaterals with opposing right angles. I arranged them on the cutting table to make a pumpkin. But it wasn't looking right, so I pulled up a pic on my laptop and enlarged it. I set the laptop on the cutting table and recreated the top half of the pumpkin. I made a few changes so it would be rounder.
Chris called to say he'd be home soon. I put beans on the stove to cook. I checked the house mail. Chris came home, and changed clothes. …. We fell asleep for a bit.
He got up for supper. I put a bowl of fish soup in the toaster oven, and made a big salad, topped with hummus and raw garlic. I took the soup from the oven and sat at my laptop. I saw a message from Myra asking if now was a good time to talk. So I called her on the number she provided. We started talking. Chris put something in the microwave and I couldn't hear her so I went in another room. Then Michele called him and they were talking loudly so I sat on our bed with the door closed so I could hear Myra. We caught up on each others news. It was 8 when we hung up.
I finished my soup and salad. Chris paused his game with Michele. Then we watched two episodes of The Avengers, a TV series from the 1960's. Not what I was expecting from the name. Then I sat down to write up my blog post and go to bed.

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