Monday, October 2, 2017

What was lost is now found

I got up around 7, and did some stretches. I texted Myra by Facebook and drank a quart of water. Dad called, just to talk I guess. He sounded better than last time. While I was talking to him, I wrote checks. When we hung up, I got envelops and stamps. Then I took my vitamin C and Swedish bitters. I listened to an interview from the Alzheimer's summit: our health and our longevity and our ability to resist diseases including alzheimers is absolutely dependent on the health of the gut bacteria that we contain. Alzheimer's is for the most part preventable. Using lifestyle strategies, 9 of 10 cases can be reversed. Using medication, NOT ONE has ever been reversed.
I made and ate breakfast. I got dressed and put the checks in the mail. I taped some bubble wrap over the long narrow window pane next to the door. I pulled all the wooden spoons out of the drawer and stored them upright in a plastic jar. Then the drawer was able to close.
My sewing stuff was already in the car, so I just took my water bottle and my purse. I took a moment to water the flowers. Then I drove the car to the gas station and filled it up, about 8 gallons. Then I went to the church for quilting. Only three ladies were there. Apparently others came for the birthday cake and then left.
I turned the two quilt tops from Linus in to Dinah and she said she'd take care of them. But later she said she'd baste them and I should quilt one just to get comfortable with the process.
I set up my machine and worked on the squares I had sewn into pairs and four-somes. By three o'clock I had so many sewn together that I was one seam short of a quilt top. The others had stayed to chat with me, having finished whatever they brought. So I packed up and we all headed out.
I drove back to base, glad to have a full tank of gas. When I got to the house, I carried my purse in first and then came back for the sewing stuff in the trunk. Chris drove up and checked the mail.
I cut up the remaining chicken gizzards to make sure nothing was stuck in them. Last time I ate them, it seemed like one of them had plastic pieces in it. I put them in a black Korean bowl with the remaining juice and tomatoes. The bowl went into the toaster oven while I checked e-mail and watched some videos on making an ornament. Then I took it out and ate it while listening to a Tedx talk.
I read a book outside for awhile. It was nice and overcast. I had enough light but was not blinded by the setting sun. Chris started talking to Michele on Skype about the game from last night. I came in to close the back door because he was talking loudly, but when he saw me, he invited me to watch the game. So I put down my book and sat by Chris.
The game was set in a dinosaur environment. Chris and Michele were both riding wyverns. Michele guided Chris while he learned to control the wyvern and pick up objects and store them. Then he cut down trees to make a hut. It took a long time. Then she had to sign off so she and Marie could watch Lucifer season 3, an option Chris and I don't have.
While Chris stayed at his laptop, I found a box still sealed in the garage. I opened it and pulled stuff out. In the bottom were two sewing machines. Hallelujah! I asked Chris to pull them out for me. He put them in the living room. Then I tried to make space in there to set up the cutting table. I came across blackout curtains. I had to sew in a rod pocket. So I set up my thrift machine on Grandma's sewing cabinet and sewed the pocket in long stitches. Then I was able to put it on a tension rod and cover the window in my sewing room. I put more fabric in there and shifted things around. I found another blackout curtain to fit the window in the bedroom, but I did not have a rod pocket. I looked for some fabric I didn't mind using up, but got sidetracked unpacking more sewing stuff to make room in the living room.
At 8, Chris and I sat down to watch the first episode of the A Team. That was my idea. I did not remember seeing that episode but Chris did. It was not as well written as I remember those shows being. When it was over, I went back to my laptop to delete e-mail and type up my blog. He helped me save a photo from an Adobe file into my quilting pics file. Then he went to bed. I tried to do another snip on my own and the laptop locked up. So I read my book for awhile, and when I went back to the laptop, it was responsive again. So I finished up my blog and got ready for bed.
* This is what I made yesterday. *

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