Sunday, October 15, 2017

Pictures and posers

I got up around 9. Chris was already at his laptop. I sat at mine and drank water while reading e-mail. Anna texted that she thought Chris had received a job offer. Chris said he didn't know anything about it so I relayed that. But later he told me that his access to his navy e-mail account had been canceled, so if someone tried to contact him that way, he would never know.
All of a sudden it was 9:40 and I had to stop. I washed up and got dressed for church. Chris helped me search the house for my church shoes. Finally I found them where they were supposed to be. I just couldn't see them because they were in a bag.
I jumped in my car and drove to church. The choir was already amassing up front. I stood with them and we practiced for 10-15 minutes. Then I got a bulletin and talked to several people before church started. Bob was filling in for Pastor Keith. He gave the announcements, then started the service. Except for one piece, the service music would have been acceptable to Chris. The choir number went well. The sermon was on the mission statement of some Lutheran conference.
After the service, I talked to Cecelia. I also got a hug from Tamara. Then I went home. I changed clothes, them made and ate breakfast. I put Epsom salts in the watering can and filled it with water. I gave it to the mums, hoping it was what they needed.
Chris and Michele played the dinosaur game again. I read e-mail for a bit, then put on the red top I wore the last time we had pictures taken for the church directory. Chris wore the same color suit. At 3:30 I called time. We arrived at the church by 4, but they were running late. We met a couple that goes to the 8:30 service and had a nice chat. Then it was their turn. We waited some more until it was our turn to be photographed. The photographer was very complimentary. He took a number of poses, both together and separately. Then he took us to another room to view the shots and pick one for the directory. The pose that matched the one last time was not suitable (he said) because it was vertical not horizontal. He offered to take it over again, but that would have delayed everyone after us. So we just picked another pose. I didn't like any of them. I thought he wasn't a good poser. So we did not buy any pics either.
From the church, we went to Publix for groceries. It was raining by then. We got our food and took it home, unloading in the rain. We put it away, then had supper. I listened to a few audios, and one on tapping. Chris and Michele resumed the dinosaur game just before 8. So we did not get to watch TV until after 9. I spent part of the time picking fabric strips to take for a project tomorrow. Then I began typing up my blog for later.
We watched two episodes of The A-Team. Then Chris made his sandwich and went to bed. I added the last bit to my blog, posted it, and went to bed also.
* This is the quilt I chose for Viewer's Choice Award at the quilt show. *

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