Friday, October 27, 2017

Making faces

I woke early again. I stayed in bed listening to BWE on my tablet for an hour. I got up at 8 to make a quart of lemon water. While listening to an audio from the matrix summit, I finished trimming the pumpkin squares and sewed them all together. I played around with leftover pieces, trying to make a face for it.
The next audio on matrix talked about going into the past to see one's younger self at a turning point and reassure him/her that everything is going to work out. So I went into the past to see my younger self. I was telling her the future would be brighter, and she said if I knew the future why not tell her the lottery numbers. She was too young to buy a ticket anyway.
I finished the exercise from the audio, then made and ate breakfast. It was quarter after 11 and I thought I just had time to make cookies. So I peeled two bananas and sliced them into a bowl. I put two cups of oatmeal into the blender and turned them into powder. Then I mixed it with the bananas with my hands. I put in some cocoa powder and vanilla extract. I dropped it by spoonfuls onto parchment paper and the cookies went into the oven. I cleaned up while they baked. Then I took them out and left them to cool on the stove top, which was pretty hot. Then I washed up and got dressed.
I packed a few cookies for the massage therapist, and a bottle of water for me. I expected a quick trip, but traffic was really bad on the parkway. I had time to explore the options on the turn signal bar. I found where the car will tell me how many more miles it can go on the current tank of gas.
I texted the therapist from the parkway. When I got there, she said she was running late as well. I gave her the cookies.
During the next hour, she really worked on my stomach muscles and whatever else is under them. She also did the muscles in my neck. Then she left while I got dressed and I met her in her office to pay and set up the next appointment.
I drove home. It was too early for Chris. I hadn't intended but found myself moving stacks of fabric around in the sewing room, trying to get all the colors in order.
It was after 5 when I heard Chris come home. I checked the house mail, and washed my footies which had been soaking since sometime this morning. I heated a bowl of soup in the toaster oven, made a big salad with raw garlic, and read e-mail. I listened to a half hour long audio.
At 8 I made a mug of hot broth. After drinking it, I moved a few more piles of fabric in the sewing room. Then we watched an episode of Miss Marple. Chris looked up some of the actors. Then it was time to go to bed.

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