Sunday, October 22, 2017

A productive day

I got up around 8, after setting an intention for a productive day. I checked e-mail and started listening to an interview while drinking lemon water. I pause it at 9:25 to take a shower and get dressed. Then I cut some fabric squares for the pumpkin project.
When I realized it was 10, I grabbed my purse and jumped in the car. I drove to church, just in time for choir practice. It did not go well, but the performance did. Our pastor was back so it was very nice. He has a good voice.
After the service, I talked to Shannon. It was good to see her again, but she is moving to DC with her husband. I talked to Cecelia. She wants me to come over tomorrow and show her how to use Microsoft Word. Jennifer talked to me at length about her Bright Line diet. She asked for a couple of recipes.
I went home, changed clothes and ate breakfast. Then we went to the grocery store. They did not have organic soup this time. And we checked out without bananas, so I stayed with the cart while Chris went back for a bunch.
When we got home, we put the food away. Chris boiled eggs for his daily breakfasts.
I looked up papaya seedlings to see what they looked like. I have something coming up in pots out back. But a small stem with two rounded leaves – could be anything.
I found the recipes and sent them to Jennifer. I listened to several audios. One was on Autism and gut health. I finished transcribing a Vimeo video that I have been meaning to do since last spring. I was able to close that window and hopefully improve my browser speed.
I coaxed the desktop computer into making a form for Pat to use for signing books out. I looked up recipes for hot flash spray. I added some clary sage oil to my spray bottle, along with lavender and witch hazel.
Chris roasted cabbage and peppers and sweet potatoes in the oven for supper. He also helped me download and install an update to Adobe Flash.
I read e-mail. One was from our quilt group looking for fabric and trims to make fidget blankets for Alzheimer's patients.
I opened lots of boxes looking for my big box of scrap trims, which would be perfect for fidget quilts. Instead, I found more quilting fabric and moved it to my sewing room.
I went through a suitcase full of clothing. I put some of it in another suitcase that we are keeping, and made a pile for donation. But the socks were not good enough to donate. So I went online to look up what to do with old clothing. Lots of people suggested making rugs or stuffing pillows, but I just don't have the time to cut all my worn out stuff into strips and make rugs I don't want or need.
I made a mug of hot bone broth. When Chris was ready, we watched the last episode of Miss Marple. Then he looked up some of the actors while I finished my blog post for the day.
* Another of my favorites from the quilt show. *

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