Thursday, October 26, 2017

Progress on the pumpkin

I knew Stitch-Its had been canceled, so I woke up realizing I didn't have to go anywhere today. I stayed in bed listening to BWE after Chris went to work. Everyday this week I have woken early, so I must be sleeping better. I attribute it to the vinegar I put in my drinking water. I think it improves my digestion so I sleep better.
I worked on the pumpkin project while drinking lemon water and listening to the day 8 interviews from the Broken Brain summit. I was very tempted to buy it to hear the parts that had to be edited, but will I ever have time to hear them?
I ran a tub of cold water, only it came out lukewarm. So I worked on the pumpkin for some time thinking the water would cool. I had to unsew several times because I sewed the pairs of pieces along the wrong edge.
I sat in the detox bath for 15 minutes, while Dan Folgelberg sang the same song, over and over. Then I did some jumping jacks and such to warm up. I made breakfast, refilling three containers. I put ingredients in the bread machine, then ate my breakfast while reading an article on spearmint: it enhances memory and focus from the very first dose.
It was sunny out, so I took a walk around the circle, which isn't very circular or even elliptical.
I moved stuff around in the storage area to make more space for boxes that are invading our living space. I found some old letters and cards and envelops with quilt show remarks in them. It was a trip down memory lane.
Enjoying the sunshine, I sat out in the back yard to read my book. Chris came home from work just at the 5pm bugle call sounded.
I read e-mail and the response time from the computer was very slow. So I restarted it. The Restart button now includes updates, whether you want them or not. While I waited, I trimmed pumpkin blocks.
Then I heated a bowl of fish soup and made an arugula salad. I listened to an audio as I ate. I paused it to get ready for my tapping buddy. She called at 7. We tapped for an hour and a half. Then Chris and I watched a movie from Netflix called Transcendence. We were tired so we went to bed.
* This is the mandala labyrinth from the yurt garden. *

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