Monday, April 23, 2018

A good hair day

I got up at 7:30. I got dressed and swished while sewing strips for the cross project. I put water on the stove to boil, then assembled ingredients for bread. When the water was boiling, I poured it into the washbowl and put a towel over my head. The intent was to soften the scab over the mole, but it didn't work. Then I fired up my laptop and finished making the bread.
I read e-mail, but there wasn't that much. I ate breakfast early. I read about insomnia syndromes on the site. From what I read, it seemed my blood is not rich enough to support my shen as it tries to sleep. Also eating raw or chilled food is not good for people with bags under the eyes.
It was sunny outside, much to my surprise because the forecast was for three days of rain. I loaded my machine in the trunk an dI went to quilting. Six ladies were there having lunch. I told them about my experience with 5g, but that I can't blame it for my good hair day. Another showed up and we chatted for awhile. Then some left and some of us stayed to sew. I worked on my red project. We traded stories as we worked. At 2:40 I packed up to leave. It was starting to rain so I hurried to get my machine back in the trunk.
I went to the chirpractor, which wasn't far away. I talked with the receptionist for a few minutes. Then the doctor came out to fix himself some coffee or something. He took me to the exam room. I told him about the pain in my right shoulder blade. He used his thumper thing all over my neck and back. The pain went away. He asked about the chest pain and I told him it had decreased in frequency and duration until it was gone starting on Wednesday when I turned off the 5g. Then he said he could use acupuncture to balance my hormones and make me feel more energetic. That sounded good to me.
So he took me into the acupuncture room. I laid on the bed and he got out his book of acupuncture diagrams. He turned to a specific page and proceeded to insert needles where shown. Some I did not even feel, but others went in painfully, especially the ones in my finger tips. He put on some music and left. I went through the yoga nidra procedure mentally. I got very relaxed but did not fall asleep. I did not want to sleep with needles in my wrists, fingers, neck, torso, legs and ankles. When he came back, he took the needles out. One slipped from his hand and he searched my neck and shirt for it. He checked the carpet too, but did not find it. Finally I went to the front desk to pay. She gave me a next appointment for Thursday morning.
On the way home, I found a needle above my pancreas. I wondered how it had gotten there from the right side of my neck. Then I felt another pricking on the right side. When I got home, Chris helped me find the remaining needle, which was right above my liver. I will tell the doctore next time to count the needles to make sure he gets them all out. There was a pile of packages on my computer. Chris said he found them by the front door. I opened them and put the contents away.
I went for a walk. It was threatening to rain so I ran for a minute three different times. It felt good to run. But I did get a little rained on anyway. I checked e-mail. I made a large salad for supper. Michele called just for a lazy chat, I think. When supper was over and Chris' phone alarm rang, he hung up with Michele and we watched Lucifer. Then I made a mug of bone broth.
We had an argument. He said I interrupt him all the time. So I said nothing. After a bit, I sat in the living room and tapped. Then I went back to my laptop while he did whatever on his. Then he fired up the laptop attached to the TV and called up Netflix. And we watched two episodes of Enterprise. He sat at his laptop while I typed up my blog. Then it was time to go to bed.

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