Friday, April 20, 2018

An escape pod?

I got up just after 7. I cut a set of red squares and sewed them to a black strip. I turned on the router. This time my laptop connected without me having to login and turn on 5g. Hurray! I squeezed lemon into a quart of water and drank it while reading e-mail and listening to audios. I heard jojoba oil was good for skin problems, so I rubbed jojoba oil on my mole. It had a big scab on it and I didn't want the spa people to refuse to let me in the pod.
I ate a fat bomb, then made and ate breakfast, still listening to audios. I had breakfast early so it wouldn't be sitting in my stomach at the spa. I washed my face with a mixture of coconut and castor oil. I added something to my Swanson cart and to my Amazon cart. I submitted the Amazon order. I packed a bag for the spa. I hunted for my loosest-fitting bathing suit. I got dressed and put fabric away. I read a few last e-mails until it was time to go. Then I headed to the Tranquility Float Spa.
When I got there, Leanne was already filling out paperwork. I filled out my own. It had a lot of legalese. Then the man showed us around: the recovery room, the powder room, the bathroom, and the pod rooms which have showers. He explained the procedure. I used the bathroom, then entered my pod room. I searched my bag for my tablet to hook it to the music system of the pod, but I had left it on the charger in the kitchen. Bummer. Then I took a shower to rinse off any dirt. I put on the suit and got in the pod with a washclotth. I closed the pod, laid in the water and turned off the inside light. I could see light from the room, so I got out and turned the room lights off. Then I got back in the pod. It was dark and quiet, and super salty. I had my head at the furtherest end, but there was a bit of a hum at times. I had my elbows bent and my hands near my ears to be most comfortable. We were given a round float to support the head and neck, but I didn't need it. In fact, the air got stuffy and humid, so I used the float to prop the tank open a bit and let some fresh air in. Then I floated. And floated. Sometimes a finger or a toe would touch the side and I had to push off. But mostly, it was like lying in bed at night trying to get to sleep. I did virtual tapping. I went through the ABC gratitude list. I started yoga nidra. Finally the lights came in, signaling the end of the hour. I took another shower and got dressed. I went to the powder room to fix my hair. Then I went out front to wait for Leanne. The clerk was also part-owner. He asked a lot of questions about how we liked our experience. It was fine, but not worth another $50.
After the spa, we wen to the chocolate shop next door for her to buy chai tea. Then we sat and talked for a few minutes. I drank my coconut water. I called Dream Maker to schedule another appointment. We agreed we would like to try something else, maybe in a massage theme.
I went home and got the mail. Chris was home early. I read e-mail and ate seed crackers. Michele called to talk. She told me about escape rooms. It seemed like a fun idea, if you have enough people.
I ate all the seed crackers and hummus. Then I ate some figs and dates. I had a piece of ham and the rest of the sheep cheese. I seemed to be eating a lot, so I went for a walk. I checked out the peonies, which are big fat buds right now. I plucked a knot that was growing on an old weed stalk. I brought it home and gave it to Chris. He cut it open to see the bug that made it, but there was no bug that we could see.
I emptied dried tea bags on the back lawn. I read e-mail as the sun went down. Then I headed to Joanns, taking the back gate because Research Road crosses University right by the Joanns shopping center. It seemed like such a good idea until I took the off-ramp to University and discovered that I needed to cross three lanes of traffic to get into the left turn lane at the first light. With this new car it is very difficult to see cars coming up on the left. But by the grace of God, I survived and made it to the left turn lane. I sat there long enough to see that if I had gone to the right and made a U-turn, I could have been through the intersection sooner and not had to cross traffic.
I went into Joanns to get fabric for Michele's costume. I may have picked up some batiks as well. After it was measured, I looked at the button display. I took pics of several. I texted Michele. While I was waiting to hear back, I looked at batting and tacks. Finally I got tired of waiting and made my way to the front of the store. There was a nice shepherds hook for 70% off. I waited in line to pay. When she rung me up, I handed her my 50% coupon and showed her a 60% coupon on my phone. None of it applied to the fabric or batting so probably did not make much difference in the price.
By then, it was dark. I drove home through gate 9. It was almost 8:30. I made a mug of bone broth while Chris warmed up the TV. We watched two episodes of Enterprise. As I watched, I had a sock of cold rice on my neck. I wondered if it was sore from floating in the pod. After watched TV, Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog.

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