Monday, April 16, 2018

Going zen

I got up before 7. I fixed my hair, then rubbed castor oil on my back and laid down on the infrared heating pad. I did not realize I had fallen asleep until my phone alarm went off at 7:30. I looked at my sewing table to see what I could work on. Then I grabbed a fraying towel from the hall bathroom and zigzagged the edge of it. Having sewn, I turned on the router and made lemon water. I drank it while reading e-mail and listening to audios. I took a break to cut up the organic lemons and blend them with a little water (probably too little water). I put the mixture in ice cube trays to freeze. The idea is to add a cube to the lemon water each morning to add the vitamins found in the peel. Then I made and ate breakfast. I watched an audio on dowsing for childhood fears. It seemed like a good idea.
It was going on noon, so I packed the flower panel project, plus the special ruler foot and several rulers. It is due tomorrow night! Then I drove to quilting. It was only 12:15 but they were already finishing up lunch. I unpacked my sewing gear and socialized. I looked at their projects. They wanted to watch me do rulerwork, but quilting the flower did not work out. The metal bobbin I had wound with green thread was too high and it made a thread nest. I replaced it with the original white one. But for some reason, it did not sew either. And I had trouble moving the ruler and fabric because I had forgotten the rubber shelf liner pieces. I gave up, and worked on the red project instead. One by one the ladies left until only Lauri and I remained. I had a dr appt at 3, so I started packing up at 2:40. I hated to leave her sewing alone, but time was short.
I arrived just in time. I joked with the secretary when I signed in. The doctor came out of his office and showed me into the exam room. He explained at length why I should see his GP to get a request for an echocardiogram. Then he asked the standard questions. I said my low back needed straightening out. He moved my legs in a bunch of positions and it told him something. He laid a block of some kind under my left side and one on the right but lower down. I laid there for a few minutes and he was satisfied with the outcome. Then he took me to the acupuncture room. I had to take off my top so he could stick needles in my chest, as well as legs and arms. He left me there, with sounds of a waterfall and music playing. I did yoga nidra to relax, then tapped mentally. I had achieved a fairly zen state by the time he came back, removed the needles, and sat me up. Then he put two needles in my back. He said not to eat or drink anything cold before midnight. Finally I got to put my shirt back on. I went out front to pay. Jennifer was there, waiting her turn. We had a little chat before he called her back. I paid my bill and the receptionist said to call when I got an appt with the GP.
It was after 4. Chris was home when I got there. He had a package from Swansons. I checked the house mail and found a bill, a check, and a paper. I put the supplements where they belonged. The weather was windy and cold and I wondered if that was as bad as eating something cold. I poured boiling water over the nuts that were soaking. I finished an audio from earlier. Then I ate the nuts. I put some beef and veggies in a bowl in the toaster oven. Then I took a walk around the circle, wearing a scarf and coat to keep warm. When I got back, I ate the warm food. I was listening to another podcast when Chris' phone rang. It was his parents. They spoke to him briefly then hung up. He made his own supper.
His phone alarm rang at 6:55 because Lucifer was about to start. I paused my podcast when it came on. We watched it together, and then two episodes of Enterprise. I heated some water to make bone broth and tea. I drank the bone broth while writing my blog. Then I drank the tea with my evening supplements. Then I put ACV on my mole before going to bed.

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