Thursday, April 12, 2018

Michele called....

I heard the phone alarm go off at 7:30, but I was too cold to get up. I was hoping for a hot flash. But eventually I got up anyway. The heat was turned off from yesterday so I turned it back on. I fixed my hair then worked on the laundry bag, making two french seams. Then I turned on the router. I started making bread for Chris when my dad called. He wanted me to help him write a Christmas letter to explain to everyone why he hadn't gotten it out yet. I jotted some notes as we talked. But we both had other things to do.
After the call, I washed up from the sink since I still had tape on my back. I took some supplements and sat down to read e-mail until the niacin flush hit. I listened to some short interviews. I read an article that basically said wheat reduces blood flow to the frontal cortex in susceptible people. I did some lymph moving exercises. My laptop was slow so I rebooted it and spent the time tapping.
At 11, I went to gas station to fill up, then proceeded to the chiropractor. He followed up on previous complaints and adjusted my vertebrae a little. I told him how the cyst did not go away after he adjusted my wrist, but the pain did. So he adjusted my elbow and wrist again (since the pain was coming back). Then he muscle-tested me for mitral valve prolapse. He said I should get an echocardiogram. He had a book of acupuncture points for mvp. With an electrical unit, he probed each point for 20 seconds. At each point, I felt nothing at first but then the sensation increased to pain. He told me later that he found my responses entertaining. I felt better afterward. I wanted to take a pic of the page with the points, but he would not allow it. He said if I tapped the points in the wrong order, I could do some damage.
I went to the front desk to pay. He invited the next patient in. I got an appt for next Monday. The receptionist wrote the name and number of his GP on the ticket so I could go to her and get a referral for an echocardiagram. Then I went to quilting.
I did not bring my machine, but rather some handwork in a box. I was socializing so much that I never opened it. Leanne wanted me to go to Paducah with her next week, leaving on Wednesday and coming back on Saturday. She said lodging was $100 a night. Well, $300 was too much for me and I said so. So she kept looking for more Air B-n-b lodgings that might be cheaper. I did not realize that she would be sharing the nightly cost. I left about 2.
I went home and checked e-mail. I ate an egg and some seed crackers. I called Dream Maker and set up a Reiki appointment for next week. Then I called the health insurance company to see if they would cover an echocardiagram. In the end, the answer was yes. She said the chiropractor could write the order himself and I could take it to any in-network radiology place. So I called the chiropractor to tell him and he said he had never written such an order before, but he would find out from his GP. He did not seem to mind.
I went outside to check the mail and when I got back, Michele was calling me on Skype. She asked what was up with me and I told her the story of the last week. Chris came home in time to hear part of it. Then she asked if I could make her a doublet for cosplay in June. She sent me pics of what she wanted, the neckline here, and the buttons there, and the fabric from a third. I told her which measurements I wanted. It was quite the discussion and I suppose I should be honored that she thought I could do it just from a picture.
I put on heavy walking shoes and walked around the neighborhood. There were baseball games and maybe soccer going on in the public areas. When I got back, I jotted some notes for my blog. Chris made his supper. I called my Dad. We talked about things to put in the letter. Afterward, I made a salad and ate it.
I read e-mail until Chris was ready to watch TV. We saw two episodes of Enterprise. Chris did not make his sandwich because the bread needed more time to cool. When I finished my blog, we both went to bed.
* This is Annie's quilt. *

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