Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Some EMF relief

I got up about 7:40. For my morning sew, I cut the drawstring top off of Chris' laundry bag. It was a little bigger than the bag I had made so I ran a gathering stitch around it. Then I put on some meditation music from a file stored on my desktop computer. I did my exercises, drybrushing, meditation and tapping with the router off. At the end, I saw Ron had called several times. So I called him back.He said he had handed out five more time and talent surveys but has not gotten them back yet. I started jotting notes from past bulletins, then reminded myself to clean while I still have the caffeine.
I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I dustmopped and wet-mopped the kitchen floor. I called Knology. I had a hard time getting to a live person. But once I explained that I wanted to turn off the 5g signal from the router, it was easy. She talked me through it on the desktop. If I had known it was so easy, I would have called months ago. The 2.4g signal was still on. I saved the info in case Chris wants it turned back on.
Then I went for a walk. I expected my back to feel better when I got back, but it did not. So I wondered if something in my back is out of alignment and so walking just aggravates it. I took off my shoes and trimmed grass around the edges of the back yard. :Then I called Dad and read him the letter I composed at his request. He liked 99 percent of it. I changed one line and sent it to the other computer so I could print it out. Then I put it in an envelope and placed it in the mail. I folded my laundry and put it away.
I checked e-mail and saw that Myra was on Facebook. So we texted a little, then I called her. We talked for some time. She has chest pain issues that are heart-related but not serious. Interesting.
Her husband came home, so we hung up. I called the chiropractor and made an appointment for tomorrow. Then I made a cup of bone broth and started listening to an audio on electromagnetic sensitivity: Professor Olle Johansson said there is 1 quintillion times more radiation than 100 years ago. Scientists exposed bacteria to normal elctromagneic signals like from cell phones and they became resistant to antibiotics.
I pinned the drawstring top to my bag. Chris came home from work. I finished sewing the top on the bag. Then I took a shower. I noticed the tub needed scrubbing but was afraid of having a repeat of the last back incident. I read about holotropic breathing, and several other forms.
Then I went to choir. We practiced 4 songs. When it was over, I drove home. I thought about stopping at Publix for kava tea, but I was so hungry I might have bought other stuff, too.
When I got home, Chris was not ready to watch. So I scoured the cupboards for tea. I found a packet of dandelion detox tea. I heated some water for that, and by the time it was ready to drink, Chris was ready to watch TV. We watched two episodes of Enterprise. Then he made his sandwich and went to bed. I posted to my blog and put apple cider vinegar on my mole so I was ready for bed, too.
* This is the flower block from the crayon challenge (that isn't due until next month). *

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