Monday, April 9, 2018

Not so good after all

I got up this morning with minimal problems. I swished and sewed two squares together. I turned on the router to read e-mail. I listened to an audio: Use cayenne pepper for anxiety, start small and work up to two capsules per meal. Then I took a shower and got dressed. The chiropractor's office called to say the arsenic medicine was in. So I made an appointment for 3pm to pick up the medication and tell him what happened this weekend.
At 11, I ate a fat bomb. Then I made and ate breakfast. I got in my car and headed to quilting. I pulled my machine out of the trunk, then the box and the rolling cart. I put the box on the cart and put the machine inside, then rolled it to the church. The ladies had finished eating and several had left. Two more left as I walked up. I set up in the back. I walked around to see what everyone was working on. Bertha had a box of blocks and fabric. She told me how she had participated in a swap but did not get enough blocks to make a quilt. So I offered to make her one. She showed me the instructions and blocks of fabric. I picked a background and a contrast. Then I sat down to sew and cut and resew as the pattern directed. Sheryl came in with several tubs of fabric that she said someone gave her after a death in the family. Naturally we all wanted to go through it. Most of it was apparel fabric and some décor fabric. There were some nics woolens, but I did not know what to do with them. Bertha was getting ready to leave, so I quickly finished the block for her. Then we left together.
I drove to the chiropractor's office. I signed in and she gave me the arsenic med. Then he walked in. I told him the tale of straining my back and riding in an ambulance, etc. He felt my vertebrae. We talked. I showed him the exercises that the ER doctor gave me. He said don't do them yet, and to make an appointment for Thursday since I wasn't ready for the exam he wanted to do. He muscle-tested me for dosage on the arsenic. I asked him to also test for the source since I wanted to eliminate it. He tested a bunch of options and got yes answers for off-gassing in my new car.
I paid at the front desk and made an appt for Thursday. Then I drove home with my windows open. When I got home, I cued up the next meditation. But just as Deepak got to the manta part, Chris came home from work. We discussed what the dr said and he got angry at the thought of muscle-testing. I finished the meditation, then went for a 40 minute walk. I had no trouble.
When I got back, I went in the back yard to pick dandelion. When I tried to get up again, I could not. So Chris helped me inside. I sat and read e-mail, then listened to the next episode of The Truth About Pet Cancer: Add 20% fresh food to dog kibble to avoid problems. Remove fluoride from pet's water. Silver can destroy cancer cells. Music called Wholetones can heal pets. You are messing with their sleep cycle by expecting dogs to sleep at night and be awake during the day.
Chris helped me make a salad. I ate it. He suggested I take the meds, but I wanted to wait until bedtime. However, the pain increased, as did the tendancy to spasm. So I let him get me one tablet of each and I swallowed them with water.
He was working on job applications, so I just walked around the house for awhile. When he was done, he got me a straight-backed chair to sit by the couch. We watched one episode of Enterprise. Then I posted to my blog and we went to bed.
* An easy block to make for Bertha. *

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