Friday, April 13, 2018

Still not 100%

I had a little trouble sleeping last night. I had high hopes for my back which had been running at 95% and was finally feeling 100% when I went to bed. But during the night it stiffened up and regressed. I was afraid to get up and find out how much. So I laid in bed longer than necessary, running scenarios of time and talent spreadsheets through my mind. When I finally got up, it was 9am. I had some trouble getting up, but it soon released, back to 85%. I did lymph moving excercises and stretched my back, but it was not well received. On the other hand, I noticed my cyst seemed to have shrunk way down.
I put my hair in a ponytail because Michele said she liked it like that. It wasn't all long enough so I did the top part and let the back hang down. Chris had helped me dig out a bag of batting scraps last night, so this morning I went through them and pulled out something small for the flower panel. Then I sewed a french seam on the bag, and turned on router. I boiled water for tea and bone broth. Then I drank water while jotting a few notes waiting for the router to catch up. I walked outside in my bare feet to catch some sun. I read e-mail, then made breakfast. I ate it while talking to William.
William called. He talked mostly about the shoes he wears and why, and also about the traffic accident at work. Then I looked at mole removal videos on Youtube. Some were for bloodroot, but the ACV or tea tree looked best. I emptied my handbag and put two plastic bags in it. Then I locked the front door behind me. I left the two back doors open for fresh air, knowing I would be back before Chris got home. I walked to the dirt pile in the back of the neighborhood. There were some dead plants that had been removed from their pots. I put the dirt (which was mostly vermiculite) in the plastic bags and then in my handbag. I walked home again, switching shoulders to spread the weight. To my surprise, there were two cars in the driveway. Apparently Chris got out early. He asked about the back doors being open. I put the dirt in a large pot on the back porch. I read e-mail and ate an avocado. I had th throw away a cucumber which had gone bad.
He mentioned bad weather for tomorrow, so I asked him to put the battery back in the mower. Then I mowed the lawn in the setting sun. I had to use very erect posture to keep my back from hurting. When I was finished, I drank some water and listened to a podcast: recommended nerve flossing, Acetyl L carnitine for nerve pain, plus gamma linoleic oil, or even iodine.
I brought in the house mail: bills for Chris and a check from the health insurance. I made a salad and added a hard boiled egg. I ate while watching the last two episodes of X-Files, season 11. One of them was unnecessarily gory. It's like the whole point was to show as much gore as possible. The season ender was a little better, more of the intrigue and conspiracy that X-files is known for. Then Chris and I watched three episodes of Enterprise. Afterward, he cut pills in half for me to take, since I wanted only half doses to get me back to 100%. I took them with kava tea. I decided to try the overnight ACV treatment on the mole on my face. Then I went to bed.
* A lovely tree in the back of our neighborhood. *

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