Thursday, April 5, 2018

Onion juice - the cureall

I did not sleep well last night. I was alternately too hot or too cold. In the morning, I woke up (or thought I did) and could not get out of bed because the left side of my body wasn't working right. I figured I had a mini-stroke. I tried to sing a song but it sounded terrible. I wondered if I should go to the hospital, but I couldn't get up or to a phone. So I went back to sleep (or thought I did).
When I woke up (for real), I was fine. Surprisingly, it was only 7:15. I brushed my teeth, then worked on the crayon challenge project. I took stitches out of a green quilt sleeve that I rescued from the trash at quilting. It seemed the perfect size for the backing. I rustled up some matching green thread to stitch down the stem of the flower.
I turned on the router then went to take a shower. The tub was scummy, so I got some baking soda and a sponge and scrubbed it. Then I turned on the shower and got in to rinse the tub and wash up. That's went my back went out with a sudden painful 'gotcha' sensation. I stood in the tub, afraid to move, wondering if I would still be there when Chris came home. After a minute, I could move gingerly. I washed myself as best I could, then managed to get out of the tub. I dried my upper body, then laid on the bed to dry the rest. I got dressed, then meditated with Oprah (and my best sitting posture.) I had a few minutes left, so I sat in front of the piano to work out the chords for 'Lamb of God'. But it just didn't work. So I looked it up online. But then it was time to go.
I got in the car and drove to the acupuncture place. Jennifer called me along the way to say she was on her way. When I got to the shopping center, I parked and sat for a few minutes. Then I went in the store to tell the doctor that she would be along shortly. I went outside and she was just driving up. Then we went in together. We were guided to two upholstered chairs. My feet did not touch the floor. I asked for a pillow behind my back and Jennifer asked for one, too. But the pillows were a little too big. So I wasn't all the comfortable sitting there with my feet in the ionic foot bath. Jennifer had one, too. We talked during the 30 minute session. I let her look at my aura report in case she wanted to get one as well. The lady doctor talked about the benefits of onion juice – good for whatever ails you apparently. She showed us the individual packets. We asked if we could buy one packet, but she said no, just a box for $50.
After the foot bath, she took pics. I took some as well. I did not see a difference from last time, but the doctor said she did. She took a pic of Jennifer's feet, too. Then she gave us paper towels to wipe our feet. My ankles had a lot more gunk clinging to them than Jennifer's did. She got the foot massager that I had last time and the lady gave me a different one. Instead of feet going inside, the feet stayed on top and little nubs went round in circles under the soles. I prefered the other one. She also gave us the shoulder massagers.
When the massages were finished, I payed for both of us – as a treat for our choir director's hard work. The lady doctor showed us her 'very expensive machine' that washed onions, and cooked them and packaged the extract in plastic pouches. I did not get a pic because she had the lights off. Then she showed us a paper-covered wall where her previous patients had signed their gratitude. She also showed us her degrees and certificates on the wall, as well as her husband's - 2012 and 2013 from a college I never heard of in California called South Baylo University.
We left the acupuncture place and went to the Asian store so Jennifer could see what kimbap was. She asked about kimchi and bought a small container. We wandered around the store a bit, then checked out. I asked the owner if she tried the onion juice and she had. We asked if we could buy a packet. She sold us two, for a $1 each. Jennifer paid for both. Then we went to our cars and went our separate ways.
I went home. I was feeling stiff and sore so I took a walk. It seemed to help a lot. I looked where the hidden tulips were and found peonies coming up, as well as lilies. I saw big trees that had fallen in the storm. When I got back, I looked up the chords again. Somehow they just didn't fit. The music in the bulliten had only the melody and it looked like D major. Well, the chords in the pdf online looked like they belonged to the key of C. They were just chord names, no notes or staff.
I gave up and started searching for the onion juice machine. I found all kinds of things for peeling and slicing them, but not extracting and packaging. I did read that onion juice is good for your hair if you rub it on your scalp.
I gave up on that, too and ate a fat bomb. Once I had eaten something, I wanted more. I ate some nuts, too. Then I started making breakfast. Chris came home from work. As I started eating, there was a knock at the door. Two mainenance men came to look at the water heater and the fridge. Then they said they'll be back tomorrow afternoon with new ones.
I took another look at the chords but could not make them fit. I laid down on the guest bed with the infrared heating pad. It was relaxing and I might have fallen asleep for a bit. When I got up, it was after six. I asked Chris to make me a salad. By the time it was ready, it was quarter of 7. I ate it in front of my laptop, looking at red images on Bing. I figure red strengthens the root chakra. But it didn't seem to help me. My tapping buddy contacted me before I finished my salad. She was willing to wait so I finished and then we tapped together for my back. She recorded the session so she could use it as a case study to get her certification.
I made a cup of hot bone broth. Then we watched two episodes of Enterprise. I had a frozen rice pack on my back. Chris made his sandwich and went to bed. I stayed up to blog.

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