Monday, April 30, 2018

One blanket finished

I got up between 7:30 and 8. I compared several red panels until I found two that kind of matched and sewed them together. I pressed it well. Then I turned on the router. I read e-mail and listened to interviews. I made and ate breakfast a little earlier than usual. Then I got dressed and ready for quilting. That's when I remembered the insurance form. I called the insurance number, and he guided me to a different form. I left it up on my monitor and headed out.
My stuff was already in the car, so I jumped in and went to quilting. I sat with the ladies who were still eating lunch, just to talk. Later, I set up my machine to sew. I spread out the red panels, but then decided to work on the receiving blankets since I had the room to cut big pieces. But the material was not as big as she said, so there was only enough for one. I cut a backing for it from the blanket from the hospital. After completing it, I tried to text a pic to her, but it failed.
By then, I was the only one left. I packed up my stuff. I put the cutting mats away and turned off the lights. Then I rolled my cart to my car. After loading it all in the trunk, I drove to the chiropractor's office. I was a few minutes early, but as I signed in and chatted with the receptionist, the doctor came out of his office and invited me to the exam room. He asked about my neck, which I said was tight. So he used a thumper thing all over it. Then he asked about my lower back, which was just fine. He asked about the chest pain, and I said it was bad on Saturday, but nothing on Sunday or today. So he took a wait and see attitude. I told him about the hot flashes and he took me to the acupuncture room. He tested the points he used last week and determined that the neck points were the only ones that needed it. So he left my lying there, listening to waterfall sounds. That was nice, but he came back all too soon to take the needles out. I said my spleen might be weak. He rubbed a point between my left thumb and forefinger. It hurt like heck. So he rubbed it with one hand and a spot under my navel with the other until the pain stopped. Weird, but it worked. It should improve my sleep tonight.
I went home. I checked e-mail. Chris came home from work. I put some leftovers in the toaster oven to heat up. I looked at the new insurance form. I started filling it in. But when I got to the provider codes I was stuck. I ate the leftovers and had some tempeh and plantain. I was in eating mode so I went for a walk to interrupt the pattern. I was gone for about 45 minutes. But when I came back, I made a salad. Then I had some blueberries with cinnamon, cashews and pecans. I dug up another plant with yellow flowers from the back yard and stuck it in a pot. I watered all the potted plants.
When Chris' phone alarm went off, it was time for Lucifer. We sat on the couch and watched Lucifer, chafing at all the commercials. Then we watched two episodes of Enterprise. I had some bone broth and kava tea, as well as my evening supplements. I typed up my blog and was ready for bed. Chris made his sandwich and laid out his clothes for tomorrow. Then he went to bed.

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