Sunday, April 29, 2018

Is planting a subversive activity?

I heard Chris get up this morning and I stayed in bed, doing some mental programming. I got up much later, or so I thought. It was only 8 and Chris said he'd been up for only 10 minutes. I sewed the seam I had pinned last night. Then I drank 12 oz of water. I took a shower and got dressed for church. Then I read e-mail until it was almost time to go. I fixed my hair, then grabbed my stuff and headed out.
I got to church in time to warm up with the choir. After that, Cecelia came over to get some magnesium. I handed her a small bottle with 4 tsp of magnesium bisglycinate powder in it. I also gave her a botttle of magnesium spray to try. Jennifer came over with the fabric she bought. I handed her the tiny bottle of Delta-5 and wished her better luck with it than I had. I hit the restroom then talked to Tamara until the service began. Just then, my phone rang. Embarrassed, I shut it off as quickly as possible. Whoever it was did not call back.
The music for the service was a bit informal. Chris would not have liked it. But it was catchy. After the service, I ran into Ron. He wants me to print out the spreadsheets and give them to him, so he can pass them out to the ministry heads. Okaaaaaay.... I went looking for Jennifer and started talking to Linda. We had a nice chat. When Jennifer came by, I went out to the car to get the fabric I had chosen to go with what she had bought, based on the pic she sent. But what I thought was red, was actually pink. So only the red-and-pink fabric matched. However, I also had the blanket that the hospital gave me. She like that best for the backing of the baby blankets. I asked her how involved she wanted to be and she said just to buy the fabric and give it to me. So I agreed to make the blankets.
I went to my car and called Chris to meet me at Publix. I went straight there. I got a cart and started shopping. They had some spice plants there so I picked up a basil. Chris showed up and we shopped from the list. Then we checked out. Chris loaded the bags in his car and went home. I got in my car and stopped at the bank for cash before going home. When I got there, he had all the food inside already. I cleaned the golden beets for Chris to cook. I washed a bunch of carrots we'd had for awhile. Some of them were sprouting. So I planted a whole one and the top of one in the back yard. I also repotted the basil in a larger pot. I made and ate breakfast while listening to interviews from the Food Revolution Summit. Today's topic was Alzhemiers and brain health. I also watched quilting videos with the sound turned off so I could hear the interviews. Chris cooked a large piece of beef with carrots, garlic, onions and beets.
About 5pm, I went for a walk. I wanted to see if the peonies were blooming. I kind of walked back there, then assumed that if I couldn't see them from 10 yards away, then they were not blooming yet. On the way back, I met a lady out for a walk. We talked about weather and plants and then husbands. She said I could drop Chris' resume by her house for her husband to take a look at. She pulled out her rosary and said she would pray for Chris to get a good job. I decided to pray for her husband who had several surgeries recently. She also told me she had planted some annuals around her tree and that she didn't think the housing people would mind. Then I resumed walking. I only saw wildflowers and a dead snake on the way home.
When I got home, Chris pulled out the beef and cut it up. I put some in a bowl, plus the veggies and broth. It made me cough, probably due to the cayenne he used. As I ate, I read about fermented papaya for electromagnetic sensitivity. It was really expensive to buy and did not sound so hard to make. I continued watching silent quilting videos.
At 8, I made a mug of broth with a turmeric ice cube. When Chris was ready, we watched three episodes of Enterprise. Then he made his sandwich and I posted to my blog so we could go to bed.
* a picture made from zippers *

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