Sunday, April 8, 2018

Almost normal

I woke Chris at 6 to bring me a towel because I could not get out of bed. He went back to bed after throwing the towel in the wash. I might have gone back to sleep. Later he helped me out of bed and into the bathroom. I walked around a bit and went back to bed. Chris went to a pharmacy to get my meds. I had my tablet, so I listened to some TV theme songs, and then cued up the next Oprah meditation. When he got back, he helped me get out of bed. I walked around a bit and my back loosened up. I made and ate breakfast in preparation to take the new meds. But I was getting around so well, that both Chris and I decided that I did not need the meds.
I read e-mail. Eventually Chris went to the grocery store for food. I asked him to stop by the church where the Renegades were sewing and buy some eggs from Tina who has her own chickens.
While he was gone, I put on my earrings to keep the holes from healing shut. I boiled some water and poured it down the drains to kill any gnats that might be breeding there. I made a batch of seed crackers. I also washed and cut up a cauliflower and put the pieces in leftover olive juice to pickle. I washed the dishes in the sink. I swept the floor just as he came home from the store. We put the food away together. Then we read e-mail for awhile.
The weather warmed up to 53 degrees. We put on coats and went for a walk around the neighborhood and picked some wild lettuce. When we got back, I put the greens in a bowl for later. I watch an episode of The Truth About Pet Cancer: Neutering and spaying have health consequences, but early procedures are even more problematic. Pets are more affected by chemicals because they are closer to them – household cleaners on surfaces, chemicals in rugs and couches, chemicals on lawns, etc. One vet said he would rather treat his dog for heartworms than give him the pills to prevent it. Flea and tick collars and treatments put chemicals on the skin which gets in their blood. Essential oils can replace them.
I mended one of Chris' socks as my daily sewing. Sadly I have missed two days due to back pain. I wished I had thought of sewing last night. I ate some Goat cheese while catching up on e-mail. Then I took the wild lettuce and made a salad. I started watching a video on whey people don't heal. I paused it when Chris was ready. We watched two episodes of Enterprise. We dressed the bed. Chris put my sewing gear in my trunk. Then he put my meds by the bed, as well as my phone. He went to bed while I stayed up to blog, take my evening supplements and finish the video.
* Here is a poor dogwood tree that got blown over in our neighborhood. *

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