Monday, April 2, 2018

Easter hair

I got up around 7:30. Chris was gone, but was home soon. They had held the service early and he missed it. So he went to the 9am service on post. I swished while I sewed the butterfly on my hat. I drank some water. I took a shower to wash more oil from my hair. You'd think with all this hair washing the turmeric on my fingernails would be gone, but no. I put on the dress that matched my Easter hat. It had a spot but there was nothing I could do about that. But I had nice new light blue shoes that my sister bought me for Christmas. Perfect. I emptied one of my sewing baskets and put the contents in a plastic bag. I took the basket to my car. Then I went to church.
When I got there, everyone was still eating in the fellowship hall. I waited for the choir to assemble in the sanctuary. Then we sang through the anthem a few times. I sat in my usual seat by Don. I watched the church fill up and then had to move over to let a group of 6 in. I don't know where Chris would have sat if he had come. It was nice to have so many people in church. Many I had never seen before.
The service started with a few announcements, including about the intergenerational Easter egg hunt afterward. We had all the usual liturgies. The choir sang and did well. The organ sounded like a string quartet. I got a lot of compliments on my hat. After the service, I took a lily from the altar to my car. I wished I had bought two. I also dropped off my choir folder and grabbed the basket.
I went to the fellowship hall to join the hunt. The little ones were sent out first, then the youth, and then the adults. Each adult had a card with six eggs of different colors. We were instructed to find one of each. Well, they were not hard to find, just sitting there in the grass. We could only pick up six, but the kids had dozens. I brought my basket back inside. The yellow eggs all had numbers. Mine was #40. My prize was a small notebook. Another egg had a tag that said 't-shirt'. So I got to pick one of those. A third one said 'u-pick'. From that bin I took a set of sticky notes. My three remaining eggs contained candy. I left them on a table for kids to find.
I could not call Chris because I had left my phone to charge, so I drove home. I pulled the lily from the back seat and set it in the flowerbed. I changed clothes, and ate a fat bomb and a banana. Then we went to Publix. Since it was closed, we shopped at Kroger instead. We brought the food home and put it away. I put ingredients in the bread machine, then made breakfast and read e-mail. Chris put ham and sweet potatoes in the oven. After a while, we went for a walk together. We remarked on things we saw along the way. When we returned, I put a check in the mail. Then I went to the back yard to trim grass around the fence line. When supper was ready, he called me in. We had ham with a honey-mustard sauce, sweet potatoes, and roasted vegetables. Then I picked some dandelion and violets to add to a salad. I listened to episodes one and two from the replay weekend of the Skinny on Fat to round out the notes I took weeks ago. Chris put the bread away when it had cooled.
We watched three episodes of Enterprise. I drank my kava tea and wrote my blog post. Chris went to bed.
* I guess it is a good thing I wore a hat. *

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