Saturday, April 21, 2018

The start of a garden

I got up about 8:30. I swished while cutting and sewing little blocks to black strips. I left a set for tomorrow morning. Chris already had the router on. So I just sat down at my laptop and started reading e-mail. After several hours, I made and ate breakfast. I went through the receipt from Joanns and discovered that I had bought a pack of buttons that I was looking at but did not mean to buy.
We got dressed and went to the bank. It closed at noon and we got there at 12:01, but everyone was gone. Then we went to Publix. The tomato plants looked a little frost-bit, but they were on sale from $18 to 2 for $15. So we got the best two we could find. Then we picked out groceries. When we got home, we put the tomato plants by the front window. I watered them and took off some of the dead leaves.
I texted Beverly, and she called me. She reminded me of the iron caddy project, so I set the iron by the door as a reminder for Tuesday. Then I got a trowel and two plastic bags and a pair of athletic socks. I put them in a handbag and went for a walk. I passed two kids having a yardsale. But I had no money with me. When I reached the far end of the neighborhood, I filled the plastic bags with potting soil from discarded dead plants. I found a tulip and some daffodils, too. When I got home, I left the soil in front. I returned to the yard sale by car, but it was all packed up, so I went back home.
I read e-mail, and ate cashews with butter. I took a break to plant the stuff surrepticiously in the front flower bed. Then I watched three tapping videos. I enjoyed the expressions on the ASL interpreter's face. I wanted to go to Lowes and get flowers but I did not have the energy. (I did not have any heart pain either).
Then I worked on the red project until 8:30. I made a mug of bone broth and kava tea. I drank the bone broth while we watched three episodes of Enterprise. I also wore the cold rice pack around my neck. When we were done watching, I sat down to write my blog post while Chris took the clean sheets from the dryer to make the bed. I helped him, then took my evening supplements. I finished my blog and wen went to bed.

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