Saturday, April 28, 2018


I stayed in bed late, long after Chris got up. I was trying to do some mental programming but my mind was all over the place. Finally I got up at 9. I sewed two red panels together. Chris already had the router on, so I read e-mail, and started listening to interviews from the Food Revolution Summit. Chris needed some attention, and later I returned to the interviews. I made and ate breakfast, plus a tomato that I picked from one of the bushes out front. It had blossom end rot, but I cut around that. I also took my supplements. Then I washed up and got ready for Panoply. I had a few minutes yet, so I washed my footies and laid them out to dry. I was able to listen to a little more of the third interview while jotting a few notes.
At 12:30, I went to the place where Stitch-Its meets. I sat by a tree and waited for Leanne. I had left early in case there was a yardsale along the way, but there wasn't one that caught my attention. So I had a 15-20 minute wait. When she arrived, I put up my windows and locked my car. I got in her car and she drove us downtown to a parking garage.
We found our way to Big Spring Park where Panoply was in full swing. We bought tickets and someone stamped my hand with a pink image. It looked like an “A” with a circle around it. The first booths we passed were food vendors. Nothing I would eat. Then we saw the quilt guild tent. We stopped to talk to the ladies sitting there. Several were helped kids make a simple project. Then we wandered past more booths and stopped at one where two ladies were floating paint/dye on water and then swirling it. They each laid a silk scarf on the design and created a work of art. The owner said they do parties and Leanne asked questions about that. We walked around some more, stopping to look at paintings, jewelry, and pottery. One artist was making textured pictures out of zippers. There were metal sculptures and digital photography. Many booths had projects for kids. Fresh Market had samples of dried fruits and vegetables. There were several lemonade stands making drinks with freshly squeezed lemons. But I did not want to stand in line. Under a big tent were rows and rows of artwork from local school children. Some were quite talented, especially the high school students. A band was starting to play and it was loud.
So we left the area and looked for the parking garage. We had a time finding the right door to go in. But we made it. Then she drove around town looking for the right road out. Then, as we turned onto California, I asked her about the best way for me to get to Huntsville SewnVac from Stitch-Its. She said she'd like to go too, and turned her car around. So we both went to Huntsville Sew and Vac, but they were closed. So we stopped at Patches and Stitches on the way back. We looked around. I found some batik that would work for the stained glass project. She found a book. We checked out and she drove me back to my car. We talked a bit about some movie that was coming out soon. Then we parted ways.
I drove home. Chris was on his laptop, having done all the laundry. I ate some seed crackers and then mowed the back yard. I read articles while listening to the replays of the interviews from this morning. I had a can of soup, and a cucumber for supper. I found two red panels that fit together and I pinned their edges for sewing tomorrow. I readied another panel for comparison. Chris wasn't quite ready to watch TV, so I started folding laundry. I kept folding until he called up Enterprise on Netflix. Then we watched three episodes. I posted to my blog and we went to bed.
* Ladies getting ready to paint silk scarves. *

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