Sunday, June 17, 2018

Father's Day

Last night I covered myself with a panel of netting, and that seemed just the right weight. It still took me awhile to fall asleep. But sleep I did, and I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm ringing from the ironing board in the hall. I did not get up right away, but by 8 I was up and combing my hair brushing with chocolate toothpaste, and sewing. Then I turned on the router and threw a frozen chunk of blended lemon in a quart of water to drink while I checked e-mail.
At 9 I took a shower and got dressed for church. I turned my purse inside out because the lining color went better with my dress. Then I drove to church. There wasn't much time to talk before church, but I did connect with Jeanne about the hardanger fish. After the service there was a luncheon. I talked to Mary about the chords for Lamb of God and she wrote them in for me – but I don't think those are the ones she uses. Then we went into the fellowship hall to eat. I found some raw fruit and vegetables I could eat so I wouldn't be hungry at the store. I talked to Ron and Cecelia and Tim etc. Tim and I are going to meet on Tuesday again. Ron gave me another time and talent sheet to add to my spreadsheet.
After lunch, I went to the grocery store. While I was shopping for produce, Consumer Cellular called and said it was important to call them back. A number was given, but it was not the number that called me. I made a mental note to call later. I looked at dental appliances and could not decide between a water flosser or a sonic toothbrush.
I paid for my food and went home. I brought the bags in, and put the greens in the fridge. I washed the cans of coconut water, and soaked my sprouted seeds. I ate a fat bomb. Then I called Consumer Cellular at the number that called me. An automated voice said they did not get a payment. They put me on their call-back list. Pat called and said she wanted to come by to give me a check. So I went outside to pull weeds and water the flowers until she arrived. I walked up to her window and she handed me the check. We chatted for a moment and then she had to leave. I finished watering the flowers and went inside.
In the making of breakfast, I had to whip up another batch of spice mix and refill the chlorella container. I listened to Esther Hicks while assembling breakfast and eating it. I unplugged the laptop and let the battery drain. It took 33 minutes for it to shut down at 15%. I guess that's progress. I soaked my feet to get rid of a suspected wart while texting with Kurt.
I pinned peas and lettuce squares to the fusible interfacing. Then I asked myself what comes after peas? I had scraps of other fabrics that were bluer than peas but greener than blueberries. But there was not enough of either. I suspected there might be a little more in the back room of the Thursday group. I ironed on the ones I had pinned.
Chris called and we talked for a bit. He said he was at his hotel in Utah, and Michele had called him for Father's Day. Then I called my dad, but there was no answer. So I took a walk. I photographed what looked like elderberry bushes blooming in the forest so I would remember to check them later in the season. I pulled up a yellow flower and took it home. I put up my car windows because I heard thunder. I put the flower root in water. Then I picked dandelion in the back yard to made a salad. I watched episodes of Young Sheldon and Family Ties. I paused the show at one point to take the flower outside and plant it in a pot. I also soaked the sprouts for 10 minutes. I tried to enter the new Time and Talent Sheet, but it was too dark. I resumed the show.
At 10:30 I quit watching TV to post to my blog and go to bed.
* Possible elderberry sighting *

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