Sunday, June 10, 2018

When is a grain not a grass?

I got up at 7:50. I put up my hair and brushed my teeth with chocolate toothpaste. Then I sewed a strip to the block in progress, and turned on the router. I booted up the laptop to see what time it was and re-set the clock on the stove and microwave. Then I sat down to drink lemon water and see what new e-mail came in during the night.
There was an article about how Amazon's Alexa recorded a private conversation and sent it to a co-worker without the participants knowing about it. Amazon claims that it was a series of unlikely events wherein the conversation included all the keywords to activate Alexa and request the message be sent. Participants say Alexa never asked who or confirmed the request. Remember, those digital assistants are always listening. Pretty scary.
I took a shower and got dressed for church. I ate a piece of seed cracker and a fat bomb. Then I read e-mail until it was time to go. I headed out at 9:30. When I was almost there, my phone rang. I did not answer it, but waited until I was parked to call back. It was Jennifer, asking if she was supposed to bring me anything other than the kefir grains. Nope.
So, I went inside. I asked Ron about the time and talent sheets. I got a bulletin and sat by Don. He was happy to see me again. I guess people think we've moved if I don't show up for church. In a few minutes, the service started. Jennifer came in late and sat beside me. During the offering, she gave me a bag with some dried kefir grains in it. She said to use just a few at a time. We talked a little more after the service.
Then Tim came over to talk to me. Jennifer went to the fellowship hall. I thought it was just for refreshments, but found out later that that's where the meeting about Sunday School was. Anyway, Tim asked me to act as financial secretary for him while he acted as executor for his mother's estate. We talked at length about the details of it. I agreed because I was the logical choice, not that I really wanted to do it. We agreed to meet on Tuesday to run through the process. By the time we finished, the meeting about Sunday School was over, too, so we both missed it. I gave Patrick my opinion and then called Chris to meet me at the grocery store.
I drove down Bailey Cove to Publix. I got a cart and walked the aisles. Chris wasn't going to need food, so I got some coconut milk and water for me. I was looking for coconut flakes, when Chris called to see which aisle I was in. He joined me there and we shopped from the list. We got butter and salad greens, and vinegars and oils.
During checkout, Chris suggested I just go home. So I did. I was surprised to find him parked in the driveway when I arrived. I never saw him pass me. He had already brought in most of the food. So I carried in the vinegar and helped put the food away. I watered the flowers in the front and the tomatoes out back. I put a little extra on the pumpkin plants. But I needn't have, since it rained later for a short while.
I made and ate breakfast while listening to podcasts. I added photos to the Ace Acupuncture site. I searched high and low in my sewing room and the guest room for the mondo bag pattern. I found other things, but not that. Chris predicted it would be in the last place I looked. Finally I looked in the box of fruit fabrics and there it was. I should have guessed sooner because I had intended to make it from fruit fabrics.
After reading a little more e-mail, I went for a long walk. I saw a group of daylilies blooming back a bit from the upper road. There must have been a house there at one time. I kept an eye out for other flowers on that street, but didn't see any. I did see some cars outside the duplex next to us. But they did not look like they were moving stuff in.
When I got back, it was about 7:15. I suggested to Chris that we watch TV early and go to bed early because he has to get up early. He agreed. But he had to fold his laundry first. So I heated some onion soup and ate it while watching him fold. Then he took the folded clothes, put some of them away and put others in his suitcase. He searched the bedroom for a net laundry bag. I pulled out the green one that I re-made for him and he packed it. But by the time he was done packing a suitcase and carry-on, it was after 8. He warmed up the little laptop to stream Netflix to the TV. I told him I couldn't use it while he was gone because of the password. So he changed it to something I can remember. Then we watched two episodes of Death in Paradise. Afterward he went to bed and I stayed up to blog.
* dried kefir grains *

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