Wednesday, June 13, 2018

I found the Orville

Last night I put the garbage out at the street. Then I was able to get the tablet to play through headphones. (I chose a different set.) I went to sleep listening to a sleep track – or two. I woke up hearing my phone alarm go off at 7:30. But it was almost 8 when I got up. I sewed two sets of patches together. Then I turned on the router and called up some meditation music. The speakers on the desktop were not working. I checked all the settings and they were fine. I traced all the cords to make sure everything was securely plugged in. I was checking for indicator lights and came across a dial on one speaker. I rotated it forward and the sound came on! I wondered how it got turned off.
I heated water for coffee. I swished and drank lemon water. I did the special exercises while listening to Esther Hicks talks. Very interesting. I did the usual tapping and meditations. I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I vacuumed and mopped the floors. Then I took a shower and got dressed. I read e-mail for a bit, then drove to the shopping center where the Korean doctors set up. They welcomed me and showed me the paperwork. But they had sent a message to the person who filed the paperwork and it made more sense for him to follow it up, than for me. Anyway, she showed me pics on her phone and talked about stuff. Finally I asked if I could leave. She said she would call if they needed anything. She gave me a grapefruit as a thank-you. I told her I would eat it tomorrow because I fast on Wednesdays. She took it as a religious practice.
I drove to base and stopped at the post office. There was a letter and junk mail. Then I parked across the street from the gym. I walked/ran for half an hour on the trail. Then I went home and checked the mail there. I saw cars parked next door. I sat at my laptop to catch up on e-mail. I downloaded a pic the Dr. Grace had sent and uploaded it to her Facebook page. I noticed a man and dog out in the back yard next door. But they weren't out for long. I made a mug of bone broth to sip. I listened to audios while I read e-mail. I ordered more genetic tests on Dad's DNA sample. The results were sent immediately, which tells me they did all the tests up front. Or maybe it is one test that searches for a bunch of different markers. I looked for fruit fabrics for quilting tomorrow. I looked at Mondo bags online to see what arrangement might look nice. I found a quilt top I had made from the fruit and vegetable fabrics.
Somehow I got distracted. I watched episodes of The Orville on the Fox network and BBT on the CBS site. I turned to e-mail when that was done. Soon after, Chris skyped me. It was 2 hours earlier for him and he was going to bed. I did a few more searches and then typed up my blog post and got ready for bed.
* A green tomato!*

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