Monday, June 4, 2018

Getting back to normal

I heard my alarm go off and went back to sleep. When I got up, it was almost nine. I went to the bathroom and put up my hair. The phone rang, but I could not get to it fast enough. I checked the call list and thought it was Pat so I called her. But she said it wasn't. Still, we had a conversation and I apologized for waking her up. Then I checked again, and saw it was Beverly. So I called her. We talked for some time. Then I sewed a strip to a strip block and turned on the router.
I got a message from Chris that I had to do something on the USAA website. So I tried, but it didn't work. I 'chatted' with a representative who pointed me in the right direction. But at the last step, I got a message that something went wrong and to try again later. So I talked to her some more and tried it all again. This time it went through.
But now my morning was cut short. I made and ate breakfast, then got dressed. I chased down my blue project to take for quilting. I rolled my gear out to the car. I watered my flowers which were sitting nearby. Then I headed out.
I arrived as the ladies were having lunch. There were a lot of them this week. Could it be the June birthday cake? I talked to a few people I hadn't seen in a while. Then as some ladies went home, there was room for me. I set up in the back. I sifted through my blocks and block instructions. I circled the names of those I had completed. Then I concentrated on the four left. I looked at the leftover pieces and tried to use those before cutting more.
Other ladies were working on black and white charity blocks. Lauri was cutting sets for those. So I took a set and made two blocks. Then I went back to my blue project. One of the ladies pulled a cutting mat from the group collection and said it was ratty and could we throw it away? Every one agreed. Well, eventually I had to pack up for my appointment at 3. I asked if I could have the mat in case we moved to Korea and I needed it to lend out. They said yes, so I took the mat and wheeled my sewing gear out to the car. I loaded everything in the trunk and headed to the chiropractor.
I arrived exactly at three. I chatted with the receptionist while I waited for the doctor to get ready. Then I met him in the exam room. He muscle-tested me for arsenic. He said I am much stronger now and he attributes it to the arsenic detox drops. I was taking two and he increased it to three drops a day. He examined my spine and neck and skull. He said I was doing so well and not to come back for two weeks. I paid at the front desk and headed home.
I arrived home, expecting to see Chris but he wasn't there yet. I checked the mail and took the sewing gear from my trunk. I got a little wet because there was someone pressure-washing the other side of our duplex. I looked up how to wash pillows. That's when Chris came home from work.
I cut up a bitter melon and salted it heavily. I washed a large bowl of salad greens and made a salad. I ate it while reading e-mail. Then I rinsed the bitter melon pieces and put them in olive juice to pickle. I ate some leftover fish. I mowed most of the lawn, quitting at 6. I thought we were going to watch TV. But I had the wrong time in mind. So I read e-mail for half an hour. Then I peeled a ginger root and sliced it up while boiling a pot of water. I put some of it on a small bowl of nuts, but kept the rest to boil the ginger slices. I turned the heat to low.
At 7 we tried to watch Lucifer, but that isn't what came on the channel at that time. Chris checked with the Fox network site. Previous episodes of Lucifer were locked. So we watched the few episodes of F-Troop on the Netflix DVD. Then we watched an episode of Inspector Lynley. Afterward, Chris discovered that the water had boiled away and the ginger was burned to the bottom. Sigh. While I waited for it to cool on its own, I typed up my blog post. I took my evening supplements. I bagged the recyclables and left them by the front door. Then I listened to a meditation with the lights off. When it was over, I turned off the router and went to bed.
* I forgot my phone so didn't take any pics. Here is one of the dogs, resting in Michele's room. *

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