Tuesday, June 26, 2018

One of the family now

I woke up hearing Chris lying on the floor after jogging. I waited until he got ready and left for work. Then I crawled out of bed and put on the wedge shoes. I brushed and swished. I pulled out an old rolling office chair that has no back. I used it to get around the house while keeping weight off my ankle. I sewed a few seams on the quilt-as-you-go project. Then I made a quart of lemon water. I sifted through the kitchen trash to find the old timer, the one I bought in Japan (made in China) that worked well for years. But it needed a smaller battery than the one I bought for the newer timer. I looked at the papers Pat left for me yesterday in preparation for writing the annual report.
Then I turned on the router and read e-mail. I listened to an interview from the Toxic Home summit:
Hormesis means stressing the body to improve it: exercise, breath-holding, extreme temps, fasting, etc. There are five different types of bioactive light: ultraviolet, blue light, far infrared, red light, near infrared. We get too much of the wrong kinds at the wrong time. For more info, see TheEnergyBlueprint.com
Then Michael Tyrell talked about whole tones, tuning to A=444. The Germans came up with A=440 to suit their own agenda. He said 396hz was an opening frequency. David used to play whote tones on his harp for King Saul. Use a frequency generator app to check frequency from TVs or fans. If adding up the digits of the frequency doesn't result in a number divisble by 3, then it is bad for you.
I gave the sprouts their morning soak. I swept the floor. I chose not to go to quilting to minimize stress on my foot. I made and ate breakfast. I washed up and got dressed. I put the recyclables at the curb, then I went to visit the Korean doctors. They needed me to make phone calls to handle her student loan problems. They were so happy with the outcome that he bought me kimbap and did acupuncture on my right hand and she wrapped my left foot in special tape. She said to come back when I had more time so she could draw bad blood from my ankle. Yikes! She also gave me a bag of solomon seal tea. She said I am part of the family now, and she will remove my mole for my birthday.
There was no time to go home. I headed to church to process the offering. I stopped at a dollar store for small spray bottles but they didn't have any. The church was empty when I arrived. I opened the giving envelops, put them in order by parishioner number, and counted them. I listed the checks on the deposit forms, stamped the checks, and entered them on the computer. Tim came by for a little bit, left to get something, and came back. He helped me find a $5 discrepancy and print the right reports. He showed me a report he is willing to do himself. It took just long enough that the bank closed, so he offered to take the deposit tomorrow.
I skipped the farmer's market because of my foot. I went home, and watered the flowers. I ate the rest of the kimbap. I got spam phone calls about student loans. (Next time I will use their phone.) I made a big salad, and read e-mail. I ate some fruit and looked at fruit squares for the bag handle. I jotted some notes for my blog, then I cut squares from scraps of food fabric.
When Chris cued up “Spy” from Netflix, I sat beside him and we watched it together. He could not remember who recommended it. It must have been someone VERY comfortable with bad language and violence. We both thought it might have been a good movie if they had toned it down. It was a parody of James Bond.
My foot must have been feeling better, because I started walking around barefoot. Then I remembered to put on the wedge shoes and sit on the rolling chair. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog.

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