Friday, June 22, 2018

No early renewal

I got up closer to 8:30 than to 9. I put up my hair. I found a pair of Chris' pants on my sewing table. I searched for some black fabric to use as a patch. The stack of whites was nearby so I pulled out some to prepare for dyeing. When I checked the rip which was near the back pocket, I discovered that there was fabric behind it already, in the construction of the pocket. So I put black thread on my machine and turned the stitch length to 1.5. I sewed around the L-shaped rip several times. I wasn't sure it would stand up to being worn, but I folded it and laid it on the back of the couch for Chris to find. I texted Gabrielle to see if she had time to give me a massage today. Then I turned on the router. I drank a quart of lemon water while deleting e-mail. I listened to another round of tapping with Brad Yates. She texted back that she had a cancellation at 5:30, so I accepted. I put a sticky note on my phone so I would remember.
I emptied all the containers and planters that collected water in the recent storm. I could see the tomatoes needed replanting, but I left them to drain first. Later, Chris called to say that hail was predicted, up to an inch in diameter. I was worried about my plants at first, but then thought of my car. I asked Chris what we should do and he said pray hard. I texted Beverly to see if she knew of any covered parking nearby. She thought of Parkway Mall and the awning at the church we quilt at. It occurred to me that anywhere I go, other people will be scrambling for cover as well. Sadly there isn't room in the garage for it. I checked several times but it did not mention hail.
Beverly called and we talked for a bit. I saw the wind picking up so I had to go outside.
The tomatoes I bought needed replanting. I pulled the old ones out and discovered that they were double-potted. The outside pot had no drainage holes. I wanted to use the bigger ones, so I got a screw and a hammer and put holes in the bottoms of both. Then I covered the holes with coffee filters so they would not get plugged with dirt. I replanted two of my three tomatoes into those bigger pots and the last one into an inner pot. I moved them under the eve of the porch for protection.
I drank some kombucha from the fridge and poured some from the fermenting jar into the drinking bottle. I made two cups of tea to refill the fermenting jar. I think there is a second scoby forming.
I listened to another tapping audio. Tomorrow is the last day of the trial period so I want to listen to as many as possible. I also tapped for driving in bad weather. I had started another audio when Chris came home with two packages from the post office. We went to the visitor center to pick up his new ID. The man said I could not have mine until the day the old one expires, but I can call Housing to get the 'begin' date changed and then I could pick it up earlier. I could not make sense of that. Why are the gate guards reminding me to renew my ID if I can't have a new one until the day the old one expires? I hope nothing goes wrong that day since I will have to leave post to get to the visitor center!
We came home. Chris examined the patching of his pants and was pleased. I continued listening to the tapping audio until 4:45. Then I washed up and put on clean clothes. I took an umbrella and headed to Ruth's Nutrition where Gabrielle was waiting. I gave myself extra time in case traffic was bad. And I went the back way in case the parkway was backed up. So I arrived early, but she invited me into her office where she was having her supper. We had a nice chat there. Then we moved to the massage room. I used the bathroom while she put clean sheets on the massage table. We talked some more. She left while I got undressed and slid under the sheet. Over the next hour, she massaged my thighs and back and shoulders and forearms. Then she sat in her office while I got dressed again. We chatted some more there after I paid. We could have gone on for hours.
Finally I got up to go. It had rained hard during the massage, but now the rain was gone and the pavements were wet. She unlocked the front door for me and I left. It took me longer than usual to get home because I went the wrong way. So it was 7:30 till I got home.
I made a big salad and ate it while reading e-mail. Then we watched three episodes of Death in Paradise while I cut fleece strips. Then we spent some time with our laptops and Chris went to bed. I stayed up to blog and get hydrated before going to bed.
* Another quilt from the Modern Quilt Gild. *

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