Friday, June 29, 2018

Surgery at Crestwood

I got up around 8. There was a wet spot on the floor in the living room. I think Chris must have laid there after his morning run. I opened the doors and turned on the fans. I swished and sewed blocks together, almost finishing row 3. I drank a quart of lemon water and got dressed. I turned on the router and read e-mail. I put a cold rice pack on my ankle. I listened to a 20 minute meditation while holding a vitamin C packet in my mouth. I forgot that it would end when I needed to leave. So I checked e-mail again before I realized it was after 10. I grabbed my purse and headed out.
I realized I had forgotten to re-check the directions to her house, so I said a prayer as I drove. And I got there on the first try, but it took longer than Mapquest said it would. Anyway, she came out of her house to meet me. I had to quickly clear my passenger seat so she had a place to sit. Then we talked as I drove her to Crestwood. Since we were running late, I just dropped her off at the Out Patient entrance.
Then I went to Rite-Aid. I walked around the store looking for small spray bottles. But in the end I had to ask where they were. I also looked at batteries. I thought mine said 1215 and all they had was 1216. But the clerk read my watch and said it really was 1216. So I bought that one. Then I went home.
It occurred to me as I passed Dream Maker that I pay my massage therapist $80/hour and Kevin could probably do the same thing she does.
When I got home, I watered the plants, then listened to some audios while I fixed and ate breakfast:
The new car smell is not good for you. Put the windows up and let car roast in the sun. Then open the doors and let all those volatile oils waft away. Do it more than once. It works with house too. Clean air and clean water are the most important items. Gas stoves emit formaldehyde so always use the hood vent, or replace it with an electric stove.
I made a batch of essential oil bug spray. I split it between the two bottles that I brought. I listened to more of one audio as I fixed the bag and put a new battery in my watch. Then I went to see the Korean doctors to give her one of the bug sprays (since she gets bit so much when she is gardening). They were in the middle of trying to access her student loan account. They were happy to see me. At their request I tried to get in. There was something wrong with each try. When we finally got through the ID and password part, there were security questions. But the system would not accept the answers we gave. We got locked out after three tries. But finally I got it unlocked and got into the system. There was no new news. No acknowledgment of the documents we e-mailed them last week. Leanne called to say her surgery was done. I stayed a little longer to review the situation. Dr. Grace took the tape off of my foot and said I should not be wearing the footies. So I took that one off ( and put it back on later so my foot would not stick to the sole of my shoe). She also gave me a cup of jujube tea. And she explained that she wanted me to write a letter to the owner of the storefront that they are renting.
Soon I said I had to go. I drove to Crestwood and asked for Leanne at the desk. The receptionist called around to find her and then gave me a map so I could find it. When I walked in, she was in bed with stuff hooked up to her. She called the nurse who came and handed her paperwork to sign, gave post-op instructions and unhooked the tubes and such. Leanne got dressed while I watched her TV. Then the nurse wheeled her out to the curb. I got my car and brought it around. She got in and I drove.
We went to Walgreens for her medication. She did not have any money because the hospital had told her not to bring anything valuable. So I paid for it, but it was less than $2. She has great insurance. Then I took her home. She invited me in to see her house, her sewing room and her dog. It all looked pretty good after what a mess she told me it was. Her dog was in a pen and seemed friendly enough: sniffed my hand and licked it. But when Leanne took her out, she growled and barked and wouldn't come near me. Leanne and I talked for a bit, then I got up to go. She thanked me for driving and I asked if there was anything else I could do until her carpal tunnel surgery healed. She said she did it all last night. So I went home.
Chris was sitting at his laptop. I listened to more of an audio I hadn't quite finished. I ate lots of salad and some seed crackers. Then I went for a walk. In deference to my ankle, I did not run, or walk fast, or balance on curbs. It went pretty well, no pain.
When I returned, it was almost 8. I listened to another short audio. Then I typed up part of my blog while Chris got ready to watch TV. Chris told me that his interview went REALLY well and that some of the questions they asked indicated how interested they were. Albuquerque here we come?
We watched two episodes of Death in Paradise with the bag of cold rice on my ankle. Then Chris went to bed and I stayed up to blog and rehydrate.
* This lily is blooming from a pot we rescued from the hotel housing last fall. Chris pointed out how fragrant it is. *

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