Thursday, June 7, 2018

The beginning of a mondo bag

I got up about 9. I put up my hair. Then I worked on the block due today. I had drawn a square in a square on a sheet of paper. It wasn't big enough but it was a start. I fussy-cut a heart from the main fabric. Then I added green triangles and pink triangles. I gave the sprouts their morning rinse, realizing that I forgot their evening rinse last night. But I was happy to see that the seeds had already sprouted a bit. I finished the block with green strips to bring it up to size. Then I turned on the router and ate a fat bomb. I made and ate breakfast while looking for links between bruxism and cavitations. I came across an article that said the clenching your teeth releases stress-reducing chemicals in the brain and gut, but at the expense of your teeth. I deleted a bunch of e-mail that I was never going to read. From what was left, I saw a house on Zillow that would be perfect – if we knew we were staying. I found the magnifying glass that I thought I had packed for vacation. Apparently I put it in the wrong laptop case – the old one. So it never went anywhere.
I took my sewing gear and went out the front door. I noticed the plants wilting in the sun so I stopped to water them. Then I went on to quilting. I arrived after noon. The table was full and there wasn't much space for me to set up. But lots of ladies leave after lunch, so I stood around talking. I turned in the block to Rhonda. We discussed all the blocks and someone found me a pen to sign mine. Then Pat and I discussed mondo bags. She is going to bring me a pattern. Marjorie tried to explain how to make one. I understood, but she thinks I didn't. She tried to show me how to put an event on the calendar in my phone and set a reminder. She tried several. Christy came over to add her two cents. Marjorie had to leave and Leanne came over. She heard my phone's reminder sound but I didn't and it was right next to me. I tried to reset it to a louder or more noticeable sound but I don't think I found the right setting. Then she asked if I wanted to see Ocean's 8 tomorrow. I agreed, so I put the movie in my calendar and set three reminders. The others had packed up, so we all left together and I went home.
When I got home, I watered the plants on the back porch, and cut grass around the pepper plant and the pumpkin plants. I opened the coconut that I bought on Sunday and drank the water and ate the meat. William called. I talked to him while playing solitaire, reading e-mail, and looking at mondo bags online.
I went for a walk around the neighborhood for half an hour. Then I moved my laptop to the guest room. I tapped with my tapping buddy for almost 2 hours on her issues. Then Chris and I watched the next episode of Inspector Lynley. I drank herbal tea and typed up my blog post. Then I took my evening supplements and went to bed.
* This is the block I made for Rhonda. *

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