Tuesday, August 21, 2018

1000 pieces in less than 24 hours

I got up at 8:45. I had canceled my phone alarm so I could sleep in. I brushed and swished. I threw on some clothes and went out to the common area. The puzzle was in better shape. Cecily had completed the outside edges. So I worked on the sky, James came by and worked on ground level stuff. Michele pitched in for a bit. We worked all morning.
Around noon or so, people started making sandwiches. Cecily quit piecing to make lunch. Marie cut up a tomato for a sandwich and put the rest in a small dish for me. I ate that with salt and pepper. Cecily made a bowl of fruit salad. I ate some of that, too. Then I made breakfast. I sat down to eat it and discovered that the puzzle was finished. I guess James completed it.
Clouds were rolling in. We sat in the livingroom talking. Michele got her dad and uncles to play a game she had invented. I talked to Cecily, Kelly, Carol, and Becca. I opened my sewing kit and put a row of stitches in my project. Then I needled the ball of roving that Becca started me on. I made a face and two ears. Then I got out my fleece strips and crocheted up all the fleece 'yarn' that I had made.
The rain cleared, but the outdoors was still very wet. Chris downloaded Nahimic sound software to my laptop and got the headphone jack working again. Then Cecily and Mike were talking about when to start supper. Wanting to do something outside before supper, I went in the hot tub. You would think the heat would trigger hot flashes, but it just felt good. After 10 minutes or so, I went down to the pool and swam laps. Then I came in and took a shower. Chris followed me to 'help', or so he said. After my shower, I got dressed and went out to the kitchen just in time to see Marie take the broccoli from the microwave. Becca put the cauliflower in and warmed it up. Mike put out a pot of chili he had made and a pot of rice. We stood around the tables, joined hands, and Chris said grace. Then we picked up our bowls or plates and got food from the counter. People who liked chili had bowls and the others had plates. I got some rice and chili. I went to the fridge for carrots, and some pizza-flavored cheese.
After the main meal, Marie cut slices of pecan pie for those who wanted it. Carol made whipped cream and I was in charge of handing out ice cream. There were three kinds: chocolate, coffee, and vanilla-orange sherbet. I portioned them out to those who wanted it. Then I ate a peach.
I went to my bedroom to call my dad. I had tried several times during the day but there was no answer. To my surprise, he had called me. So I returned his call and we had a good chat. I asked him if I could share his DNA test with Yvonne and he seemed ok with that.
After the call, I went out to see what the others were doing. Most were watching a movie in the theater room. So I went down to see it, too. Halfway through I realized I had seen it before, but not really understood it. Bladerunner 2049. I managed to close my eyes at the most violent parts.
Afterward, I took some pool shots on the pool table. It had dog leashes on it so I couldn't play a real game, but then everyone had left anyway. I went upstairs to brush and swish and put argan oil on my scalp. In downloading pics from my phone, I saw that my dad called. He left a message saying he wasn't sure he wanted his DNA info shared. I typed up my blog, listening to Rowan whine. It was like she really wanted to go to bed, but didn't want to leave me by myself. But finally she got up and went down, probably to Marie's room.
I checked my e-mail quickly, then finished up my blog post and published it so I could go to bed.

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