Saturday, August 11, 2018

Cooking poke

I got up about 9. I brushed and swished and sewed a strip to this week's block. I joined more pieces of Insul-brite together. I had enough to finish one 8-sided piece and almost enough for a second one. I checked my stash for leftovers but only found batting. I turned on the router.
I took a shower and got dressed. I put a vitamin C patch on my left arm and a multivitamin patch on my right arm. I started watching a short video when I noticed that Chris had sent me a message on skype. So I responded and he called me. We kind of stared at each other for awhile since we didn't have much to say having spoken last night.
I finished my video. I added more songs to my playlist. Then I played it to see if anything stood out as too loud or too soft or too fast. But there were so many ads, almost one for every song. I tried changing the settings, but that didn't work. Then I found a piece of code to enter, and that helped for awhile but the ads came back.
I ironed the half-square triangle blocks and trimmed up the last few. I was about to sew another log on each one when it occurred to me that I needed a charity project to work on for Blanket Days in September because otherwise they would start me on a new project. So I put it aside.
I got out the papers for the July 15th offering. The treasurer wants to meet with me tomorrow to go over the numbers. So I checked the reports against my handwritten accounting and deposit and found no discrepancies.
I went for a walk and picked poke leaves at several places along the way. When I got back, I washed the leaves, then boiled them in a pot. I brought another pot of water to a boil. Then I took the leaves from the first pot and put them in the second pot. I poured out the first pot of water. When the second pot had boiled for 10 minutes, I poured out the water. I added some butter and an egg. I stir-fried it with salt and pepper. Then I ate it while I watched several episodes of Frazier. It was pretty good; better than the slimy over-cooked collard greens we were served in the cafeteria in 7th grade. I rubbed onion in my hair. I looked for examples of Three Shades of Blue quilts on the internet. I could not find a single one like the one Jane made. I had made the center but wanted a different border. I hoped to see what others had done, but couldn't find any. I used other colors in the search just in case, but had no luck.
Finally it was time to brush and swish and post to my blog so I could go to bed (at a reasonable hour).
* This was the second time I had eaten poke leaves. This time I cooked it and did not get sick. *

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