Sunday, August 12, 2018

Reunion day

I woke up before the alarm went off. I found I was tense so I tried to relax. I did my visualization for my teeth. I did not get up immediately when the alarm rang. I felt like a needed a nap!
When I got up, I brushed and swished and sewed a strip. I took a shower, then turned on the router. I put on a vitamin C patch and a multivitamin patch. I drank my quart of water while listening to a podcast on the dangers of root canals and mercury fillings. The dentist also mentioned porcelain crowns that contain metal.
I got dressed and went to church. The pastor's wife showed me a stuffed dinosaur that needed fixing and I agreed to do it. The treasurer told me he found the entry that was messing up his statistics and I agreed to put it in a different column next time. I reminded him that I would be gone for beach week.
I got a bulletin and sat in the front pew between Don and Cecelia. I talked to both of them and then listened to the prelude. Our pastor started the service, then at sermon time, turned it over to a man who was an intern here 14 years ago. The man had an incredible voice. It was a good sermon. After the service, with Marcie at the organ, I noticed that Art was not in attendance. So I went up to get the offering. I put it in an envelop which went in the safe. The plates went behind the altar. I talked to Jennifer, giving her a packet of jujube juice and telling her I had eaten poke for supper last night.
Then I went to Publix for groceries. I got what Chris asked for plus cheese, and greens for me plus radishes and carrots. I read that teeth need hard food to chew on to stay strong.
When I got home, I unloaded the food and put the perishables away. Then I changed my clothes. I put the cans and bottles away. I cleared off the kitchen table. I checked e-mail and saw one from Chris. I responded to it but he did not write back. Then I listened to some presentations on Big Food and Big Pharma and how the system rewards bad behavior with profits. The corporations have a fiduciary responsibility to produce profit for their shareholders but no responsibility to sell the best medicine or healthiest food. I made and ate breakfast, then meditated. I hardboiled eggs for Chris, then I ran the dishwasher.
I tapped for not wanting to go for a walk, and then I went. I walked out of our neighborhood, across the main street and to the RV park and back. I picked one poke berry and ate it along the way. It took about 40 minutes.
I called Cecily and we talked for some time, about Al's trip and about beach week. Then I ate some cashews with butter and read e-mail. I made another batch of mouthwash.
Then I watched episodes of Frazier while playing Solitaire and swishing and fielding texts from Chris. After Frazier, I watched short, amusing videos of my relatives playing games at the reunion (posted on Facebook). I re-dressed the bed. I had been sleeping sideways all week but not tonight. I left the front porch light on for Chris. I posted to my blog and went to bed, not certain I will be awake for our reunion.
* My vitamin C patch *

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