Thursday, August 16, 2018

Missing my laptop

I put on a vitamin C patch before I went to bed last night. I got up once to use the restroom, and the slept until daylight. I did my visualizations and got up at 8. I brushed and swished. Chris had told me that the back pocket buttons on his pants were loose. So I reinforced them with button thread. Then I turned on the router so I could read e-mail. But first I took off the vitamin C patch and took a shower to get the onion juice out of my hair. I got dressed, put on the multivitamin patch and read e-mail. I made and ate breakfast. I jotted notes for my blog. I threw a bathing suit and towel in a bag. I turned off my laptop and packed it in its bag. I put an envelop in the mail. I put my sewing stuff in the trunk and headed out.
First stop was the computer store. But the open sign was not lit and it was locked. So I proceeded to the Korean doctors. I handed her some CD's that would make nice listening for her clients. She still asked about a custom made CD with the songs she had chosen for the playlist. I told her it was a lot of work and that I didn't have a blank CD. I noticed that she had an external speaker that plugged in to the USB port. She gave me a box of onion juice packets and a bag of dried jujubes, and wished me a good vacation.
Then I went to quilting. Pat talked to me at length about the guild library. While she was talking, I set up my machine. I got to work sewing strips on the sides of the blue blocks. When Christy finished her binding, she showed us her quilt and it was very nice. At 2 I packed up to go to Jennifer's house.
I changed into my suit and then gave Jennifer some dried Jujube's to taste. She let me put the packets of onion juice in her fridge. Then we got in her pool and spent 20 minutes pulling leaves and debris out. Then we swam and talked. It was very nice and the pool water was 83 degrees. Perfect.
But then she had to pick up her daughter, so we got out and changed back to regular clothing.
I headed back to post, passing the computer store. His sign was lit, so I parked and went in. I told him the headphone jack wasn't working and that the computer was hot when I packed it up. He made a work order and said he would know something tomorrow. I said I needed to pick it up whether it was fixed or not to take it on vacation. He said I could get a pair of gaming headphones (which use a USB port) for under $100. I thought getting the jack fixed would be cheaper.
When I got home, Chris was changing clothes. I told him where my laptop was, but that I needed to be able to access Skype for my weekly call with my tapping buddy. I got out my old laptop but we were unable to get it on the internet. So he installed skype on the little laptop that streams Netflix to the TV. I made and ate a salad, plus 10 cloves of garlic. I cut up the watermelon. I got three gallon baggies of pieces to put in the freezer. I scraped the rest out and ate it, getting too full. I checked e-mail on the little laptop. I wrote back to Yvonne who was interesting in family DNA.
At 7, my buddy called. We talked for a bit then tapped for her issues. By 8 she was ready to go to bed. I called up Netflix and Chris joined me in watching two episodes of Continuum. Then he got on his laptop and I used the desktop to write up my blog post. I missed my notes which I had taken earlier in the day, but were on the other laptop. I put on a new vitamin C patch. I swished with ozone cream. When I had finished posting, I brushed my teeth and went to bed.

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