Sunday, August 26, 2018

Home again, with food

I woke up at 7. Instead of getting up, I started visualizing. This went on for some time. Finally we got up at 9. Chris took a shower and went down to breakfast. I brushed and swished and checked e-mail. I played an audio while stitching the ends of fleece strips together and crocheting them. Chris returned with an apple and a banana for me. I spit out the chocolate toothpaste that I was swishing and fixed breakfast – basically stirring fermented coconut milk into a prepared breakfast mix. I ate that and started packing. I combed my hair, put on earrings and got dressed. I listened to more of the audio while I packed up fleece strips and my sewing kit. I also read some e-mail, and tried to finish the audio before checkout time. It ended at 10:35. I quickly packed and we carried two loads of stuff out to the car. Chris checked out. Then we headed home.
During the drive, we listened to the rest of a book on CD and started another one. We both suspect we had heard it before, but since we didn't have time to finish it, that was ok. We stopped at several rest areas along the way. And I ate seed crackers.
We got to Huntsville about 4:30. We went home and unloaded the car, putting the food in the fridge. Chris made himself a cup of coffee even though it was hotter here than at the beach. We added a few things to the grocery list and went to Publix. We picked up a week's worth of groceries and went home. I texted my neighbor to thank her for watering my plants. They were all alive, even the ones I left in the back yard which she could not water.
We put the groceries away. Chris boiled eggs for lunches next week. I ate the spring rolls with fish sauce and with kimchi. I unpacked the non-perishable foods from the breakfast box. I read e-mail, trying to catch up. I looked up how to heal teeth through visualization. I put on a vitamin patch. When Chris was ready, we watched two episodes of Death in Paradise. Then he packed his lunch and got ready for bed. I unpacked my suitcase, and found something Beverly will be happy to see. Chris went to bed, while I took my evening supplements, and swished while writing my blog post for today. Then I used my ozone cream and went to bed.
* This is my hair in a french braid. Sadly, I had to take it out to comb it this morning. *

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