Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Rain, rain, everywhere

I woke up and did my visualizations. Then I got out of bed and was surprised to see that it was 9am already. I brushed and swished and sewed scraps of Insul-Bright together.
Being Wednesday, I exercised and detoxed. I boiled extra water to pour down the drains in case the gnats were feeding on something there. The bathroom sink was running slow, so I plunged it. That did not seem to help. I wiped the bathrooms and kitchen quickly. Then I had to get dressed and run out.
I got to the Korean doctors office by 2. The first task she had for me was to find an 8-hour recording of birds and waterfalls instead of the 1-hour version she was using. Easy. Then she wanted me to restore the google play app to her phone. I searched the net with her phone and tried to download it, but the message (in Korean) seemed to be that it was already there. Then her phone said it only had 5% left. The only cord she had to charge her phone was connected to her car. So she put it there to recharge, and we went back in to the office.
Then she wanted me to create a CD with old songs that she could play with her older clients. I created a playlist on Youtube instead. We had a good time listening to the older tunes and choosing ones for the list. At one point, Dr. Jae called us back to see the rear door of the storage space. Rain was coursing down inside it and running across the floor to the next room. I took a pic and a short video. Dr. Jae wanted me to send it to him from my phone. Well, I already know it won't text pics, but I tried anyway. Then I tried sending it by e-mail. But it did not show up in his inbox. Maybe it will later.
We added more songs to the playlist. I jumped up when I noticed it was 4 because I had to get to the post office by 4:30. She asked if I had time for a treatment, but I did not. She gave me a pouch of jujube juice and a bag of the dried fruits. We hugged, and I ran out into the rain to my car.
I drove to the post office, noting how backed up Jordan Lane was. After I picked up my (junk) mail from our post office box, I considered going back to the doctors office, but did not want to get caught in traffic.
When I got home, I checked the mail box, and got more junk. I put some quilting fabric and some laundry in the washer. I also squished some poke berries on a piece of white fabric. Then I scrunched it up and partially submerged it in a baggie of dye. I rubbed my scalp with a cube of ginger ice. It felt good in some places, but in other spots nearly gave me a headache.
I went for a walk to find some more poke berries. Clouds of little bugs were all over me. I swatted them all the way home. They were not like the ones in my house – more like ants with wings. I wiped them off me as best I could, but when I got in the house, I had to take my top off to get some more and comb others out of my hair. I am just glad they weren't locusts!
I pulled the fabric from the washer and ironed it dry. The few clothes and the satin went in the dryer for a bit. I finished cleaning the bathrooms and kitchen. I looked up how to find missing apps. I listened to a podcast while I texted back and forth with Beverly.
A doctor went to Africa in the 60's. He saw lots of people living in the country, with no soap or regular toilets. He saw cases of parasites among them, but no cases of autoimmune disease or autism. He now calls parasites 'commensal organisms'. He reccomends helminths for some autoimmune patients. “Treat the individual. The disease is only an idea.”, he said.
When the podcast was over, I watched back-to-back episodes of Frazier while rubbing onion on my head. I drank a cup of hot bone broth with minerals added. I also swished with xylitol and then with tooth powder. I took my evening supplements and put ozone cream behind my last molar. I wrote my blog post for the day and went to bed.

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