Sunday, August 5, 2018

Another day, another project

I got up at 8:40. I was waiting to hear the alarm go off, but I never heard it. I had put my phone on the end of the ironing board so it would be close to the bedroom but not in it. I guess the AC was blowing at the time and drowned it out.
I brushed and swished. I sewed a strip, and turned on the router. I took a shower and got dressed. I checked e-mail for a short time. Then I packed some seed crackers in a bag and headed out. On the way to the car, I gave the potted plants some quick water.
I drove to church taking the parkway which was pretty fast now that it goes all the way through. How far it goes I don't know. Anyway when I got to church, I opened the trunk to get a pair of scissors to cut off a thread from the hem of my dress. Then I went to the building. Susan K was there greeting people. After saying hello, I ran into Jim the treasurer. He wanted to know what happened to a certain check. I asked if he could wait until after the service. I went to the restroom, then got a bulletin and sat by Don. I jotted notes on the back of my bulletin of things I needed to do after the service. Jennifer stopped by to give me a small baggie with some berries and figs from her tree.
The sermon was about manna, which literally means 'what is it?' The pastor seemed to think it was a bad thing that the Israelites asked that question when they saw it.
After the service I went to my car to get the banner and the skirt. I gave Jennifer the skirt and the banner went to Susan S. I also gave Jennifer the money I owed her. Then I went to the office to track down the check. Tim found it in the back of the safe. He said ServantKeeper was back online and so I should be able to enter the donations from last week. Jeanne showed me her version of the Jesus fish in hardanger, but it was small. She is planning to make a bigger one.
I went to the corner church where Renegades was making quilts for Linus. The tables were full, but Lynette made space for me at her table. She showed me the block she had chosen for this month. I picked out some fabric to make the initial half square triangles. I saw the mother-daughter team working on it.
Then we broke for lunch. There was a lot of watermelon so I had a bunch of that. I also had a barbecued chicken leg because it smelled so good. I drank my can of coconut water and gave the tab to Norm who is collecting them or knows someone who is.
I cut 6 10inch squares from dark blue fabric and also from white fabric. I drew a big x on all the white ones, then backed them with the dark squares. I sewed on each side of each line and cut the squares in quarters. I pressed them closed, then opened each side. When they were all pressed, I cut them apart and trimmed each one to 4.5 inches. It took all afternoon because of talking to Lynette. In contrast, the mother-daughter team held up their completed quilt tops and went home. All I can figure is that they did not do the trimming before sewing on the 2.5 inch strips. I grabbed a bunch before they got packed up. Then I helped Lynette and Susan put up the remaining tables and chairs. Susan ran the vacuum and I took out the trash.
It was 5pm when I got home. I threw the Renegades trash bag into my trash can. There were two Amazon packages on my front porch. I hoped there was nothing perishable in them because my car said it was 96 outside.
I made and ate breakfast. Chris called as I started eating. We skyped for a bit. After the call, I looked for some info for the treasurer. Then I put on my shoes and went for a walk. I walked by the tree with the berries. Indeed, it was a vine growing on the tree, so it could be porcelain vine. I tasted a berry and it was awful. Blech! Further on, I found some poke berries. I picked a handful and took them home. I wondered if they would make good fabric dye.
When I got back, I made and ate a salad while reading e-mail and listening to meditations. I replayed the music part of Oprah's meditation while tapping. Then I watched two episodes of Frasier. I stopped to write my blog but got caught up in a game of Solitaire that just would not resolve. I interrupted the compulsion to swish with green tooth powder while writing my blog post.

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