Monday, August 27, 2018

Getting back in the groove

I got up at 7:45 after visualizing my teeth getting stronger and reenamelizing. I drank water, then brushed and swished. I put some things away in the kitchen. I put two sets of meds in my travel kit, as insurance. I sewed two of Jane's blocks together and pinned another for tomorrow. I turned on the router and I listened to the Aurafest paraliminal. I looked at open browser windows from last night.
I looked for my old chocolate recipe but could not find it. I searched for one online.
I shredded coco butter and put it in a glass measuring cup to melt in a pan of water. I made and ate breakfast. I added coconut oil and cacao to the melted cacao butter. Then I poured it into two silicon chocolate molds. There was some left over. I added nuts to one mold. Then I got dressed. I threw a row of Jane's blocks into a bag and took my sewing gear to the car. I watered the plants and brought in last week's mail. Then I headed to quilting.
There was only handful of ladies there and most of them were leaving. I talked to Bertha and Rebecca. Bertha gave me strips to make a charity block. Then they left and I talked to Maryanne. She was cutting up t-shirts while I worked on Jane's blocks. When she was ready to go, I packed up too. Dinah left me a box of apple slices from lunch and I took them home.
When I got home, I saw that the chocolate had not set up, in fact it had separated. I gave each little section a stir and put them in the fridge. I listened to an Aurafest presentation, until it got to the candle-gazing part. I did not feel like hunting down a candle.
Chris came home from work while I was listening to a different meditation. I paused it and we chatted. He pulled a raw chicken from the fridge and prepared it, and put it in the oven with sweet potatoes. I read e-mail and listened to a set of audios. I called Dad to get some info for Yvonne. I took a walk and picked some poke berries. When I got back, I ate a sweet potato with butter, fermented coconut milk and some of the melted chocolate.
I wanted to mow the lawn. So I put on old clothes and old shoes. But when I got to the mower, I saw that the safety key was still connected and the battery was dead. So I brought it in and plugged it into the wall. I read e-mail while Chris pulled the chicken from the oven. He gave me a leg and thigh. I ate it with 10 cloves of pickled garlic.
I read e-mail for awhile and listened to some audios on improving memory. I ate some frozen watermelon chunks. I hunted around for the blue project and when I found it, put it in a blue bag. I found the box of apple slices from quilting today. I dusted them with cinnamon and sat on the couch eating them. Chris cued up Death in Paradise on Netflix and we watched two episodes.
He made his lunch and went to bed. I took my evening supplements, then brushed. I swished while writing up my blog post for today, which got wiped out earlier when the laptop froze and I had to reboot it. I rubbed some onion on my head. After I published the post, I assembled the recyclables for tomorrow and applied ozone cream to my right bottom gum before going to bed.
* this is a pic of the sun glinting off of the wet sand in the surf. I took a video that shows it better, but no way to post that video here. *

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