Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Being here is a piece of cake

I got up around 8 after visualizing for my teeth and asking for clear beach water. After greeting Chris, I brushed and swished. I put on some clothes and went out to the common area to see what was going on. Marie and Carol were out with the dogs. Cecily was getting ready to go to the beach. So I put on my suit. When I came out of my room, there was Michele with her suit on. She asked me about sunscreen. I told her I had two kinds, a tube of old commercial cream or fresh homemade sunscreen. She elected for the commercial one. I went back to get both. We went to the porch to apply it. I found mine really runny, and when I put some on my face I realized it was my home made mouthwash. So I took it back and got the other jar. It seemed solid but actually was mushy enough that I could stir it with my finger and apply to my face. Michele said it looked like war paint. I am too old to care.
We walked down the wooden pathway and onto the beach. Cecily set up her chair. Becca and I put down towels and stood in the surf. It was icy! But little by little we got used to it. And then we were swimming in the ocean. Yay!
After a while, we got out. James, Michele, and Cecily went in. Becca and I laid on our towels. Then she went looking for shells. Soon I went in and got dressed.
I brought in the sunscreens, now melted. I put some on my itchy scalp. (I read that zinc oxide might help skin conditions as long as the skin is not broken.) I hung my suit and towel over the rail above the pool.
Michele asked for my math expertise, but when I came back dressed, she was making a grocery list for a cake and kimchichigae. Then she quickly showed me a game that had her stymied, and went shopping with Alfred. I worked 5 or six of the games, finally figuring out all the rules. Then I turned to my laptop to read e-mail.
I listened to part of a presentation from Aurafest. The others were gathering for lunch. I sliced up a tomato and put salt and pepper on it. Then I washed some grapes and blueberries and made a bowl of fruit. I was full enough that I did not make breakfast, but I did take my supplements.
Michele made a chocolate cake from a recipe on the internet. I helped her with the whisking because there was a lot of it. Then she baked it in a springform pan.
I swept the bottom porch as best I could with the short-handled broom. I had to bend forward to use it so I took it easy on the sweeping. I saw a wet spot that never dried and realized that the hot tub was leaking. Becca and Michele came back from taking steam punk pics on the landing near the beach.
Chris called me up for the Damour family picture. I slipped away to comb my hair and then took my place. We lined up by the window. Becca had her phone on a tripod and used a remote clicker to activate it when we were all in position. She took two pics.
I cleared some more e-mail and sent some. Then I announced that I was going to the beach. Cecily did not want me to go alone. So Chris and Alfred came along. They sat on the beach while I swam. The water was still cold from the storm last night, but either I was used to it or it had warmed up slightly. It did not take me as long to work my way into the waves. I wore a t-shirt over my suit so I would not get too much sun. The waves were perfect for bobbing up and down. But when I started to tire, I struggled my way through the breakers to reach the shore.
The three of us returned to the house. I swam in the pool while others sat on deck chairs, talking. At five we went in to wake up Becca whose turn it was to cook supper. I laid down to rest for a bit, then got up to take a shower. I put on a new vitamin patch, then got dressed. I listened to more of the presentation. But my laptop crashed and gave me a stop code, whatever that is. Thankfully it restarted itself. Chris called me for supper. So I took some enzyme pills, and met the others at the table. We joined hands for prayer, then took our plates and got in line. Becca had made a delicious chicken shwarma. Carol made rice. We also had salad fixings and green beans. After supper, Michele brought out the cake. Marie sliced it and Carol dished out ice cream. Everyone raved about the cake. I ate a peach.
Our generation trouped into the theater room to watch Austin Land. It was a cute and funny movie. Probably would have been funnier if I could have heard all the words. Then Chris and I went back to our room. I brushed and swished, and headed back to the common area to write my blog. He went to bed. I finished my blog and considered sewing a few stitches (which I meant to do earlier but forgot). And then it was time for bed.

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