Monday, August 13, 2018

Re: Fashion

I got up at 9, surprised it had been an hour and a half since I heard my alarm go off. I brushed and swished and sewed a strip. I turned on the router and checked e-mail. I got caught up in watching episodes of Re:Fashion on Blueprint. A woman shows you a piece of clothing that she doesn't like and then refashions it.
The bread maker was pulled forward from its usual spot. I took that as a sign to make a loaf of bread. I made and ate breakfast. I put on my vitamin patches and got dressed.
I went to quilting. When I arrived, they asked me if I had a husband and seemed to think it was very funny. I said yes, as of midnight last night. We all chatted for a bit. I set up my machine and worked on my blue blocks. When the last one was finished, I auditioned several sashings, then proceeded to cut strips. At 3:30 I packed up to come home. I arrived mere minutes before Chris did. He brought me a package from Swanson and two gifts from Herberth. I opened the paper wrapping to find a carved wood box and an ornate carved wall plaque.
I checked my e-mail and did several internet searches. I looked for the quilt Jane introduced us to three years ago. But I could not find any reference to it or any pics.
I took a walk. I ate some porcelain berries I found along the way. When I got back 30 minutes later, I put on my playlist and made a salad for supper. I unstacked the dishwasher. I rubbed my head with pieces of onion while reading e-mail and an article about Karen and Richard Carpenter.
We watched two episodes of Continuum. I brushed and swished and wrote my blog post for today. Then I put some ozone cream on my gums and went to bed.

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