Thursday, August 2, 2018

Spinning a 'yarn'

I got up at 8:30 after doing some healing visualization for my teeth. I swished and sewed. I drank water and swished some more. I crocheted most of my ball of fleece 'yarn' to see how far it would go. I checked e-mail and listened to an interview. I made and ate breakfast.
Then I grabbed my bag of fleece strips and went to quilting. It was potluck day. I wasn't hungry, nor did I bring anything to share. I did throw a couple dollars in the basket. I set up my machine. I crocheted up the rest of the ball, then sewed more strips together to make more 'yarn'. Christie gave me a piece of blue and yellow checked material that matched what I had in my blue blocks. She also showed me some knit material in the back room which she was hoping I could use up. But it wasn't fleece.
We packed up at 2. Leanne invited me to the movies tomorrow and I agreed. After I put my stuff in the car, I went looking for plantain around the building and found some. I picked a few leaves, and then went home.
At home, I rolled my sewing stuff inside. I checked the mail. I had to tinker with the lock on the mailbox to get it to hold. I laid out the plaintain leaves to dry. I clipped grass in the back yard. I read e-mail.
Chris came home from work. After catching up with him, I got out a piece of blue fabric to iron. I cut some more red fleece strips for the rug. I put ground lamb in a bowl with kimchi and red peppers. Then I made and ate a salad while watching a video on the cross ratio – a concept never mentioned in my math training.
I cut strips from red fleece and blue cotton while waiting for Chris. When he was ready, he turned off the AC so we could hear the TV. I made a cup of solomon seal tea and we watched two episodes of Continuum. After the first one, I cut a slice from a purple onion and scored it. I rubbed it on my scalp during the second episode. Afterward, I brushed and swished while typing up my blog. Once I take my evening supplements, I will be ready for bed.
* Susan took this pic today to post on the group Facebook page. *

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