Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Having a ball

I stayed up late listing to an interview on spontaneous remission and the commonalities among people who experience it: people followed their intuition to change their diet, try other treatments, release pent up emotion, deepen spiritual connection, give up resentment over the changes they had to make, find a purpose in life, and take control of their health. Instead of feeling helpless, they made a decision to take action and that feeling of power improved their immune system.
Then I took my chillow and went to bed.
I got up just after 7:30. Then came the usual brushing and swishing and sewing. I turned on the router. I checked e-mail while doing a second swish. I put coffee on the stove. I took niacin, then drybrushed and did my exercises. I played the Day 10 meditation from Oprah and Deepak. Then I put on some meditation music.
While I was cleaning the bathroom, my neighbor texted me that she wanted to come over in a few minutes. I texted her back, then got dressed. When I saw her come up the walk, I brought out her onion and I gave her the basil plant that she gave me before she left. She said she tried the goat milk kefir and it was a little strong. So I gave her a glass of the coconut milk kefir and she liked it better. Her husband came over to chat. He told me that he is on 10 days of doxycycline for Lyme. Wow!
I watered the plants out front and in the back. I finished cleaning the bathrooms and kitchen. I added more coconut milk to the jar to make some for Julia. I started reading e-mail and lost track of the time. At 2pm I called the Korean doctor to ask if it was a good time to come. When I got there, he said he could not find the letter I wrote. So I located it on her computer and transferred it to his external drive. Then she put me on a treatment table and rubbed the right side of my skull with a layer of onion. She said the ear itself was all better. She put 4 needles on the skull around my ear and left me to lie there for half an hour. Afterward, I was free to go, but she said I should come on Wednesdays instead of Tuesdays, and she called my attention to where the AC system was leaking again (probably condensation).
I went home and checked the mail. We had a DVD from Netflix. I went back to reading an article. I started an audio. I got a check ready to go in the mail. Chris came home from work. He had nothing new to tell me. The audio was going long, so I threaded a needle with green thread and appliqued the leaves to the banner. It was difficult because even with glasses, I could not see the point of the needle. I did the best I could, but my leaf points were hairy. Hopefully, hung in front of the church, no one will notice.
I went for a walk hoping to find poke berries. I found a few plants, but the ripe berries were all gone. I guess the birds got 'em.
I jotted some notes for my blog. I searched for trees with pink berries and similar terms but nothing had the same leaves that I saw.
I drank a pouch of onion juice. I made a cup of tea and set it in the living room. Then I sat at my sewing machine and joined the ends of fleece strips until Chris was ready to watch TV.
We watched Jumanji. I had never seen it before. It came across kind of as a kids movie, but yet it held my attention pretty well. We looked up some of the actors afterward. I cut the strips apart and rolled the long strip into a ball. Then I posted to my blog and got ready for bed.

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