Monday, June 17, 2019

A Chatty day

I got to bed after midnight, but slept pretty well. I ran my sleep app but it must not have heard me. My alarm went off at 7:30. Then when I called up the app, it basically said I had no activity all night. No sleep cycles. Sigh. Maybe having the ceiling fan on caused a problem? But the app should have woken me before the alarm.
I got up and followed the usual protocols. When I worked my way up to accessing the internet, I decided to check out the 'Hidden Network' that keeps showing up on my wi-fi list. Some people think it is a way Comcast and Verizon piggyback public wi-fi off of customer routers. But the only service provider in this neighborhood is WOW. I turned off my router and the signal was still there. But my phone did not register it, only the laptop.
The tension rod in the fabric room fell down and exposed my collection to daylight. I carried a chair into the room and stood on it to put the curtain back in place. Then I put the chair back at the front door, where it partially stops morning sunlight from fading everything in the living room.
I found the 50 ft CAT5 cable that Chris said we already had. BUT, there was no ethernet port on my laptop! Sigh. I went online and found that there are USB adaptors. Some of them need special drivers which come on a CD, which my laptop cannot play because it doesn't have a CD player. I ordered one from Amazon and prayed that it would be the right thing.
I made and ate breakfast. I washed up and got dressed. I carried my sewing machine to the car and went to quilting. The ladies had finished lunch. There was an empty place for me to set up my machine. I had a good time chatting with the ladies while I worked on the blue apron. Sheryl came in as I finished. She had pants to hem. She borrowed a spool of light beige thread. So I sewed some squares from another project for awhile. Then I packed up and waited for her to finish. She wound another bobbin off of my spool and gave it back to me. I bid her and Lauri a good week, and headed back to base.
I stopped by the post office on the way home. There were no keepers in our box. When I got home, I had chicken and nuts for lunch. Then I put on heavy pants and put a pair of plastic gloves in a berry basket and headed out. I watered my plants. I got the house mail. There was a piece for our duplex neighbor.
When I saw my neighbor across the street come over, I greeted her. We went for a walk to the back of the neighborhood. We chatted and picked berries together. The plastic food service gloves worked ok. Then we walked back, and not the quickest way, either. She and her husband had plans for dinner so she went home and would not take any berries with her. I took a piece of mail over to my next door neighbor. She invited me in for a chat, even though she was cleaning in anticipation of company. We had a nice, long chat and she thought spending a night in a cave sounded exciting.
When I got home, I made salad for supper. I also ate some pieces of coconut. I watched two episodes of Frazier. Then Chris called on skype. He did not talk long because he still had a lot of work to do through his laptop. After the call, I watched two episodes of Dark Matter. I swished and took supplements, both regular and those designed to annoy parasites. Then I posted to my blog and went to bed.

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